A Lawless Presidency

I have released my fourth report on the Obama Administration’s executive overreaches. In this report, I document 76 instances of lawlessness and other abuses of power.The pattern of lawlessness by this Administration should...
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, has been celebrated by conservatives and maligned by liberals and the mainstream media (isnt that the same thing?) for decades. Having served under three Republican...
Perhaps the most lawless act of the Obama Presidency has been its role in Operation Fast and Furious. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has been out front in keeping this story in the publics eye.
When I learned about the Delphi Salaried Retirees Pension Scandal in a brief news item on Bankruptcy Law Review, I started wondering if members of the Obama Administration and other insiders were meddling with the bankruptcy...
Photo Credit: The TelegraphPresident Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war against the nation of Libya in 2011. At that time, I wrote about why this war was a violation of the War Powers...
Author's Note: President Barack Hussein Obama has been running an administration that is lawless at best.  Today begins a series of articles about "A Lawless Presidency".  This series will illustrate a...
In August of 2012, I began a series of articles titled, "A Lawless Presidency" and began looking into a huge scandal that involved the Obama Administration taking the pensions from salaried workers of Delphi and...
President Barack Obama has been on a mission of abusing the bankruptcy courts to move forward his political agenda of redistribution of wealth and making paybacks to unions for political support. This directly affects voters...
During the planning process for my recent trip to Washington, DC, I learned the House Judiciary Committee would be having a hearing entitled, "The Obama Administrations Abuse of Power".
In my first article about the Delphi Salaried Retirees Pension scandal, I posted an ad from Let Freedom Ring (LFR), an organization that has been shining a very bright light on this scandal and is trying to help these 20,000...
On this Labor Day weekend, it is appropriate to look at the effect of President Obama's and his Administration's actions are having on real people. People who spent their careers laboring for a company only to have their...

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