
I expect this will be typical of others who even discuss the movie at all. The movie reporting web site, IMDb had a short review of the movie "America: Imagine The World Without Her," in a report titled, "Lionsgate to...
At their core, anti-immigration groups like the Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, ALIPAC and the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), were founded by and to this day are backed by left-wing...
Having met Dinesh D'Souza briefly, having seen his first movie 2016 and read that book, and now having seen the new movie America—Imagine the World without Her...
Operation KAOS.jpg
You know you must be doing something right when the marxist/socialist groups of Houston can only manage 16 people to a protest outside of the Harris County Republican Party building on a Saturday morning in March.

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