Saturday Night Live
October 29th, 2014
In case you missed it, Saturday Night Live opened with a skit this past weekend poking fun of the lack of competence the Obama Administration has shown in its handling of the ebola outbreak. In the skit, Taran Killam plays...
September 29th, 2013
Last night's Saturday Night Live cold open did not have the Democrats' backs, which is a refreshing change from the norm. It looks like even pop culture is finding Obamacare as a humorous target for satire.
December 19th, 2011
2011: Tim Tebow, Quarterback for the Denver Broncos, has been greatly criticized and even mocked by NFL players and the Media/SNL for openly practicing his Christian faith.2010: Two Muslim...
October 10th, 2010
Greta Van Susteren skewered Gloria Allred, the attorney prosecuting Meg Whitman for hiring an illegal worker.
April 19th, 2010
Remember that video by former Saturday Night Live Star, Victoria Jackson, claiming that there is a communist living in the White House?
March 7th, 2010
Former Saturday Night Live star Victoria Jackson has just realeased a video entitled, "Theres a Communist Living in the White House." This video is an uncomplicated look at the uncomplicated reality!
October 27th, 2013
In a hilarious cold open sketch of last night's Saturday Night Live, Kate McKinnon, playing Secretary of Health Kathleen Sebelius, provides some friendly tips for troubleshooting all of the technical problems people have...
October 8th, 2012
This election season has been nothing short of weekly skewerings of Republicans by the leftist writers and cast of Saturday Night Live. However, this past Saturday's Denver Debate recap took shot after shot at Obama in a way...
October 12th, 2010
Both Greta Van Susteren and Saturday Night Live have been hammering away at Meg Whitmans prosecutor, Gloria Allred. In a segment called "Ask Gloria," SNL actress Nasim Pedrad, who played Gloria Allred, answered questions,...
October 4th, 2010
Several years ago Saturday Night Live had a hilarious skit (every few years they have one, due to the law of averages) featuring Matthew McConnaughey leading a meeting of anti-war protesters.
March 24th, 2010
In a previous TexasGOPVote blog post, "Theres a Commuist Living in the White House," former SNL star Victoria Jackson claims that Obamas church of twenty years preached Black Liberation Theology. Heres a some background of...
June 30th, 2009
Brian Bakst reports in a article that the Minnesota Supreme Court announced Democrat Al Franken as the victor of the state's long-running Senate race. “The high court rejected a legal challenge from...