winner takes all

Rick Santorum has made the decision to drop out of the 2012 Republican Presidential race. I believe it has to do with tending to his ill daughter. This does not affect the push to have an Emergency Texas GOP SREC Meeting...
The national media has now jumped in after TexasGOPVote blogger David Bellow blogged about a possible emergency State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) meeting to change Texas from a proportional to a winner-take-all...
AUSTIN (Republican Party of Texas) - Late last week, State GOP Chairman Steve Munisteri issued an invitation to all four Republican Presidential candidates to come to Texas for a nationally-televised debate in May.
Texas MUST go to Winner Take All in order to be relevant in this Presidential Election. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain! This has nothing to do with Santorum or Romney. It is about TEXAS. Also, the...
Now it is time to take it to the next step. Now it is time to do something that we should have done a long time ago. Now is the time for Texas Republicans to have a voice and be relevant. It is time to go back to...
Candidates will be warned by Texas GOP that if they do not show up, they will be considered as not caring for Texas and should not get our vote.A Major Presidential Debate in Texas? This is pretty...

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