Texas Gubernatorial Candidates Battle It Out

The primary election for Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate is tomorrow, and the contenders seem to have resorted to a lot of mud-slinging! A Texas voter said,

"I don't like it. I can't remember the last positive ad I've seen. It's all negative all the time, and that turns me off."

Is all this mud-slinging normal, or have the candidates taken it too far? Here are some of the comments:

Medina on Hutchison:

"Conservative and pro-choice rarely fall in the same sentence, unless you’re referring to 'conservative' gubernatorial candidate Kay Bailey Hutchison, of course. A long time Washington insider and clear adversary on pro-life issues, Senator Hutchison has had ample opportunity to rally against abortion, and she has failed."

Perry on Hutchison:

"As Texas Republicans elect their candidate for governor, they're going to be making a statement. Will they cast their vote for the Washington establishment, with its culture of bailouts and wild spending and skyrocketing debt? Or, are they going to continue supporting conservative leadership that has positioned our state for comparative success in these rough times – leadership that's willing to tell Washington 'no'? "

Hutchison on Perry:

"Spending in the state – out of control. Skyrocketing property taxes. Crowded roads. ... Only a new governor is going to deal with these issues."

Medina on Perry:

"Rick Perry is leading Texas, all right – right into a ditch."

Perry on Medina:

Perry told News 8 just before he spoke to the Texas Conservative Coalition in Plano that Medina should apologize for her 9/11 remarks. “I think I'm like the vast majority of the people of the State of Texas — offended."

Hutchison on Medina:

Hutchison calls Medina's [9/11 truther] words an "affront" to those trying to root out terrorists.



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