School Indoctrination: Texas Teacher Forces McAllen Students to Memorize and Recite Mexican Pledge
The Blaze has reported that a Teacher in McAllen, TX made her class memorize and recite the Mexican Pledge and Mexican National Anthem.
This is WAY out of line. Learning ABOUT another language and learning another culture is not a bad thing, but making students memorize and recite the pledge to the Mexican Flag has no place in an American classroom.
Texas Schools are becoming Dangerous Places of Liberal Indoctrinations. Thank God for the Conservative State Board of Education keeping American Education Alive
This reminds me of the Lumberton, TX School teacher who chastised her students for watching Fox News instead of CNN. Also, just recently in Texas a student in Fort Worth ISD was suspended for his religious belief that homosexuality is wrong.
Schools are becoming a dangerous place for students because of the Liberal indoctrination they are getting. Whatever happened to just teaching math and science? Now kids in Texas have to be chastised for believing in conservative values.
Thankfully, we have a conservative State Board of Education. The Washington Times recently wrote an article that referenced how the Texas SBOE fought back against liberals who wanted to erase American History and indoctrinate Texas Students with Liberal Ideas. Here is a paragraph from that article: In Texas, the state textbook committee in 2010 angered liberals by rejecting a review panel’s recommendations to kick out Christmas and Independence Day and ignore such famous Americans as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Neil Armstrong. Texas, the largest purchaser of textbooks after California, has been a thorn in liberals’ sides since 1961, when the late Mel and Norma Gabler began exposing errors and bias. Famous example: One history book had six pages on Marilyn Monroe and only a brief mention of George Washington. The Gablers helped pave the way for the West Virginia revolt in 1974, and they spoke there during the protests.
I certainly hope we can hold on to the conservative majority on the Texas State Board of Education after Republican Hispanic Charlie Garza had his district re-drawn to make it harder for him to get re-elected.
Anyone coming to America should want to be Americans
There is nothing wrong with people from Mexico legally coming over to America. I have many Hispanic friends, like Republican Hispanic Adryana Boyne, and also some of my mother's sisters are married to Hispanics. It is even just fine for people to remember their heritage back in Mexico or wherever they came from. So don't get me wong because I am not criticizing Hispanics. What I am saying is that it is NOT okay when people want to come to America but not want to be an American. It is NOT okay for people wanting to come to America and not want to recite the American Pledge or fly the American Flag. Diversity is great, but this is America and if someone does not want to be an American then that is not good for them or for America.
We cannot even fly the American flag or say the American Pledge in many places in America because it might "offend" someone and yet there are too many stories like this one where it is okay to make kids recite the Mexican Pledge.
Students should Learn English in American Classrooms
There is nothing wrong with knowing another language in America, but in order for America to be strong, we need to have a common language. When non English speaking students go to Schools in Texas, they need to be taught to learn English as a priority instead of being taught their classes in Spanish and graduating without learning how to speak English. This is for THEIR BENEFIT as much as it is for the benefit of America. It will help them better assimilate into America and go on to reach their goals and dreams.
Spanish speaking students actually perform and learn better when they are taught English instead of being taught their classes in Spanish.