Biggest county GOP in Texas embraces "Big Data"

The Harris County GOP has acquired rVotes - a perfected version of Voter Action Network (owned by Democrats) and sold to Harris County by the original co-creator of the monster organizing tool.

Local Republicans are no longer resisting technological advancement, but are embracing new communications strategies as a key component of amplifying the consistent Republican message of faith, jobs, and strong defense.

Said Woodfill, in earlier remarks to Quorum Report's Scott Braddock,

"The idea is to take the party to the voters. It’s VAN 2.0, I like to call it. You can search people by whether they voted in the last two Republican primaries and if they’re a member of the NRA. It’s that specific.”

“We’re the largest county Republican party in the country so we need to have the best technology in the country.”

Woodfill is also pioneering a new regional headquarters concept - designed to mirror the organizing model of Battleground Texas.

Woodfill talked with TexasGOPVote earlier today. "The Harris County GOP is ready for the Obama Democrats here in Texas," said Woodfill. Until recently, the Harris County GOP (HCRP) had only one central location on Richmond Ave. But under the leadership of six-time Party Chairman Jared Woodfill, “outposts,” what amount to forward-deployed Republican headquarters, will now dot the Harris County landscape.

At completion, there will be five headquarters in Harris County with the declared aim of making the Republican Party and its values, vision and message more accessible to voters and volunteers. As Chairman Woodfill explained, “The founding fathers understood a basic principle: that more local and decentralized political power is, the more average citizens feel they are a part of the process and the more they will participate. This is America at its core. We want Harris County to be an example of how to make party politics more transparent and accessible.”


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