Glenn Hegar for Comptroller Walks the Walk – Passed Massive Tax Cuts
Many people have wondered how I came to the conclusion to personally support Senator Glenn Hegar for Texas Comptroller of Public accounts over the other candidates. The answer is simple. I have seen Glenn Hegar walk the walk and not just talk the talk. In the 2013 Texas legislative session, Senator Glenn Hegar pushed through a massive franchise tax relief bill that cut taxes on businesses by hundreds of millions of dollars. Interestingly enough, the bill was introduced in the Texas House by Hilderbran, who is also running for Texas Comptroller.
Hegar looked at Hilderbran’s bill and said that the bill did not do enough to relieve businesses from the Texas franchise tax because it did not help all businesses. Hegar expanded the bill to give all businesses relief from the Texas Franchise tax. Hegar understood that laws should be fair and equitable and that some businesses should not get overlooked while other businesses got relief.
I am not the only person who noticed the outstanding work of Glenn Hegar. Michael Quinn Sullivan and his group Texans for Fiscal Responsibility endorsed Glenn Hegar for Texas Comptroller. This is what Sullivan had to say about Glenn Hegar:
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is pleased to endorse Glenn Hegar for Comptroller of Public Accounts.
Glenn Hegar will lead the fight for transparency, open government, and fiscal responsibility for Texas taxpayers. Texas needs someone who will diligently focus on reforming the problems of government debt and inefficiencies in spending. In his first term in the Texas Senate, Glenn pushed through legislation that allowed the Comptroller’s office to create a simple and searchable online database of state expenditures for Texans to know how and where their tax dollars are being spent. During the 83rd legislative session, Sen. Hegar served as chairman of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Matters (the committee charged with reviewing all state and local revenue matters) and demonstrated a commitment to looking comprehensively at the burden borne by Texas taxpayers.
Just in case you were wondering if Glenn Hegar is well rounded, Hegar has also received the top social conservative endorsements to go along with his strong fiscal conservative endorsements.
Hegar was even endorsed by social conservative champion, and former Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, David Barton. Here is what David Barton had to say about Glenn Hegar:
Glenn Hegar is a strong leader and an avid defender of conservative principles," Barton said. "Glenn will bring a much needed free-market mentality to the Comptroller's office that will ensure Texas' economic prosperity.
David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built. Barton also served as the Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas from 1997 to 2006. So there you have it, Glenn Hegar is the best of both worlds. He does not just talk the talk. He walks the walk.
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