TexasGOPVote Blogger Endorsements: Ken Paxton
Another big endorsement for Ken Paxton! In the race for Attorney General, Ken Paxton is the only candidate who has actually been proven as a consistent, trustworthy pro-life leader based on a legislative record spanning more than a decade. With Ken Paxton, we don’t have to wonder if he will vote pro-life: we have a proven record we can count on.
I have known Ken Paxton for over 12 years and have been so fortunate to have him represent me, first as my State Representative and then as my State Senator. Ken is one of the finest men I know, period. I never have to worry if he will do the right thing; it’s just in his DNA. Ken Paxton believes in “service before self” and although we may be in the crosshairs of the current administration, we can trust Ken to defend Texas. His intellect, coupled with his passion for justice and the rule of law uniquely qualify him as the best candidate for Attorney General.
See what pro-life hero Jodie Laubenberg says below in her endorsement of Ken Paxton!
Author Rep. Jodie Laubenberg: Ken is the only person I trust to lead the battle in the upcoming legal challenge to HB 2
(McKinney, TX) – Republican candidate for Attorney General Ken Paxton was today endorsed by the Texas Right to Life PAC.
Senator Paxton said, "I am greatly honored to be endorsed by Texas Right to Life PAC. Over the past decade, throughout my service in the legislature, I have fought many battles to protect the lives of unborn children. As the only candidate in the race to have a consistent pro-life voting record dating back more than ten years, you can be absolutely sure that I will continue to fight for life as Attorney General.”
Representative Jodie Laubenberg is the author of HB2, the landmark pro-life legislation passed this summer which protects both the health of women seeking abortions as well as unborn children. Representative Laubenberg stated, “Ken and I came into the legislature together back in 2003. We've been in the trenches on many important battles, including the hard-won victory in passing HB2.”
“However, this battle is not over. Through legal challenges, liberals will seek to thwart the will of the people. There’s only one person I trust to lead this battle as our next Attorney General, and that is the man I’ve worked with for over a decade: Ken Paxton. I know that his pro-life convictions are not political, but rather are rooted in his deeply held convictions to support the value of life,” Laubenberg continued.
In addition to his stellar pro-life voting record, Senator Paxton has previously been named a “Pro-Life All Star” by Texas Right to Life and serves on the board of the Prestonwood Crisis Pregnancy Center.
Senator Paxton has previously been endorsed by numerous Texas conservative leaders including Kelly Shackelford, Chairman of the Ted Cruz for Senate Statewide Leadership Team and Liberty Institute* President; Cathie Adams, President, Texas Eagle Forum* and Former Chairman, Republican Party of Texas; Ernest Angelo, Jr., Former Republican National Committeeman; Tim Lambert, President, Texas Home School Coalition* and Former Republican National Committeeman for Texas; Ann Hettinger, Former State Director of Concerned Women for America of Texas*; Jonathan Saenz, President, Texas Values*; Rick Green, Former Texas State Representative and Host of WallBuilders* Live; Carol Everett, Texas Pro-Life Leader; Founder and CEO of The Heidi Group*; Michelle Smith, State Director of Concerned Women for America of Texas*; and Peggy Venable. Senator Paxton has also been endorsed by U.S. Senator Rick Santorum and has earned support from 23 Texas legislators.
On September 14th, Senator Paxton won the first straw poll conducted in the race for Texas Attorney General. Recently, Ken was also endorsed by over 100 Tea Party leaders and activists across Texas, including many who were active in the Ted Cruz for Senate Campaign. Ken has also been endorsed by the Texas Home School Coalition Association.
*organization listed for identification purposes only
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