TexasGOPVote Blogger Endorsements: Tom Donelson's Endorsements
For those of the TEXASGOPVote family that lives in Texas, Ted Cruz would be my choice. As a solicitor general of Texas, he played a privotal role in keeping the word "God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, defended the right of individuals to bear arms, and held off attempts by the International Court of Justice to interfere with Texas legal system. As the National Review observed, he is a five-tool conservative who hits the right buttons. Cruz for Senate.
For those of the TEXASGOPVote family who live in California, you can vote for Al Ramirez, who is a businessman that is working on restoring the American dream back to what was once the Golden State. Like Cruz, Ramirez is a solid conservative ready to challenge Dianne Feinstein and will take the banner of conservatism proudly in the general election. Ramirez for Senate.
Disclaimer: The views of individual TexasGOPVote bloggers do not necessarily reflect those of TexasGOPVote.com.
Justice David Medina
Does anyone have any yard signs? I would like to put one out if I can find it. I live just onr block from the courthouse and dozens of cars pass here daily going to and from the courthouse. Anyone have an extra one?