Happy Thanksgiving - We have much for which to be grateful! (Video)

Bob PriceHello and Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who have taken the time to read my postings over the past nearly one and a half years. I am grateful for the opportunity to talk with you about issues we believe are important. I am thankful to TexasGOPVote and to our US Constitutions 1st Amendment which provides us the opportunity to speak out in support of issues we believen in and against those we oppose. This is a rare opportunity on this planet and for that, we should all be filled with thanks for the rights provided to us by our Creator.

I would like to offer you a Thanksgiving Poem, by CJ Beaman which was read to our Unity Church of Christianity by Rev. Howard Caesar.

Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn’t sleep I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep...

The leftovers beckoned– the dark meat and white, but I fought the temptation with all of my might.

Tossing and turning with anticipation, the thought of a snack became infatuation.

So, I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door and gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore.

I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes.

I felt myself swelling so plump and so round, till all of a sudden, I rose off the ground. I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.

But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees…….

Happy eating to all—pass the cranberries, please!

May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey be plump,

May your potatoes On gravy have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious may your pies take the prize,

May your Thanksgiving dinner stay off of your thighs.

What are You Thankful For?

A1C Bob and Dorinda Price

I am thankful we live in a nation where our freedoms, given to us by God and guaranteed by the Constitution are protected by the men and women of our Armed Services; those who serve today and who have served us throughout our nationss history! And I am thankful for having had the opportunity to serve this great nation.


I am thankful for our flag and for the Republic for which it stands. I am thankful for our nation under God. I am thankful we have been indivisible. I am thankful we have liberty and justice for all.

I am grateful for all the friends I have made over these past couple of years. I have had the opportunity to meet many great Americans like Ignacio Ramos, pictured left, Fernando Herrera, Melissa Rowell, Bill Kneer, Adryana Boyne, Sonja Harris; public servants like John Culberson, Ted Poe, Allen Fletcher, Sarah Davis and former President George H.W. Bush; and many others for whom there simply isnt enough room to list. I am thankful for you all!

From my family to yours, thank you for all you do. Thank you for supporting what we believe in. Thank you for showing the greatness and exceptionalism that is America. 

As you travel this holiday weekend or as others travel to you, I offer this prayer,

Prayer for Protection

The light of God surrounds you,

The love of God enfolds you,

The power of God protects you,

And the presence of God watches over you;

Wherever you are, God is. Amen.

Thank you,

Bob & Peggy Price

Bob & Peggy Price


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how I hear the pledge:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation except for atheists, divisible, with liberty and justice for everyone but atheists."

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