Tibi Ellis on visiting Denton, Texas with Sharron Angle, Conservative Candidate for Senate in Nevada vs Harry Reid
Tibi Ellis is State Chair of the Nevada Republican Hispanic Caucus and Member and Spokesperson of the Campaign of Sharron Angle, Conservative Candidate for US Senate. Sharron Angle is challenging incumbent Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) in the race for U.S. Senate in the November election. Sharron Angle and Harry Reid face off in the U.S. Senate Candidate Forum tonight.
Tibi recently spoke with TexasGOPVote blogger Sonja Harris and recounted a story about visiting Denton County, Texas, for a fundraiser for Sharron Angles race to defeat incumbent Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) for U.S. Senate in the upcoming November election. Tibi tells of visiting to Denton, Texas with Sharron Angle and about the rousing welcome they got. She says she has never seen anything like it before, especially since the race is in different state! Not even in presidential campaigns has she seen such a welcome for a candidate!
Sharron Angle faces off against Harry Reid in the US Senate Candidate Forum in Las Vegas, Nevada at 7:00 Central time tonight. Sharron Angle will be participating live at the event and Harry Reid is attending via video.
According to early reports from attendees at the event, before the doors opened, union representatives, likely encouraged by Harry Reid, were on the street yelling. Check back with TexasGOPVote for more about tonights forum between Conservative Candidate Sharron Angle and Democrat incumbent Harry Reid.
Sharron Angle, Texas supports you!