2016 Presidential Election
The 2016 presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The series of presidential primary elections and caucuses is taking place between February 1 and June 2016.
March 20th, 2013
Fellow TexasGOPVote blogger Tom Donelson recently wrote about some of the CPAC 2013 speakers who stand out as possible 2016 Presidential contenders, listing Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Rand Paul.I respectfully add to that...
November 26th, 2012
Ann Althouse recently asked the question, “Has Hillary Clinton ever registered an actual accomplishment?” Good question, since her major accomplishment as the Secretary of State is to leave the Middle East imploding as she...
February 25th, 2013
When Texas voted in this last election, no one did an exit poll; perhaps because it would have shown that Latinos voted for the Democrats in larger numbers than we Republicans wanted to acknowledge. The fear that Texas is...