2016 Republican National Convention

After the Republican Convention in Cleveland was over, it took me few weeks to sit down and gather my thoughts to write this. The truth is: this has been the most out-of-the-ordinary Republican Convention that I have ever...
Delegates hoping to upend Donald Trump's nomination are attempting a last-gasp effort to fight back as the Republican National Convention kicks off on Monday. A group of anti-Trump delegates submitted signatures to try to...
No, Donald Trump is not the thief. He took advantage of the party establishment’s corrupted process. Calculating party officials arranged open and winner-take all primaries with hopes of achieving a “moderate” winner in...
The 2016 convention was held in Dallas, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, Texas May 12 through May 14. There were a grand total of 8,994 delegates making it the largest in the country. Over 10,000 people were in...
Let me try to get to the essential point at the top, so everyone who will can do what is necessary. If you want more detail, you should read all of this, which I can shrink no more. A lot of terms are now used in a lot of...
“I think it was a mistake. You don’t come to the convention after you have lost the nomination and not support the nominee. I think the right thing to do would be to stay home. I think it was a mistake and I don’t know what...
My wife has voted Republican as long as we’ve been married; 29 years. Shortly into this primary season with Donald Trump already leading among the large field of candidates, she told me she would not vote for Donald Trump...
This article describes delegate rules committee member Kendal Unruh's agenda to suggest a rule that will reinforce the existing rules that national convention delegates are responsible only to the m
Enough unbound delegates from North Dakota, Colorado and Pennsylvania pledged their support to Trump to get him over the 1,237 line. As of Thursday afternoon, our NBC News count now has Trump at 1,238 delegates.
Thousands and thousands of conservative Republicans are elected delegates at their precinct and county conventions to go to their state conventions and pound out state party platforms and convention rules.

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