2019 Texas Legislature
May 10th, 2019
The following three bills have been deemed important by the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Texas (NAMI Texas). Please urge your legislators to support these critical mental health bills:
May 8th, 2019
The Texas House gave an initial stamp of approval Wednesday to a bill that aims to prohibit telemarketers or businesses from falsifying their phone numbers.
May 2nd, 2019
With deadlines fast approaching in the Texas legislative session, Republican leaders are moving ahead with a new package of proposals aimed at reining in the ability of cities and counties to regulate certain employment...
April 23rd, 2019
A bill before the Texas Senate seeks to prevent social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter from censoring users based on their viewpoints.
April 17th, 2019
Current election code says a candidate who has been convicted of a felony must either be pardoned “or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities” – but it doesn’t define “resulting disabilities.” Senate Bill 466...
April 10th, 2019
Senate Bill 21 passed Tuesday, raising the legal purchasing age for tobacco products from 18 to 21. But its author amended the legislation to exclude active military from the age raise.
April 9th, 2019
In the first legislative session after a deadly shooting at Santa Fe High School that left 10 dead and 13 others wounded, the Texas Senate on Monday advanced a bill that would abolish the limit on how many trained school...
March 7th, 2019
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner on Thursday told a group of business leaders and others gathered at Rice University that he’s proud to lead a city that’s fighting the Texas Legislature’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants...
February 26th, 2019
AUSTIN — Today marks the launch of Texans for Economic Growth, a coalition of Texas business leaders and associations dedicated to recognizing a
February 13th, 2019
The Republican-led push to cancel out mandatory paid sick leave rules for private employers in Austin, San Antonio, and any other city that tries something similar began in earnest today as Gov. Greg Abbott told a crowd of...
May 9th, 2019
Business groups and others opposed to ending the so-called Texas Dream Act, a state law that provides a tuition break for certain undocumented students, appear to have been successful during this session of the Texas...
May 6th, 2019
Months ago when the Big Three first unveiled this session’s signature property tax “relief” bill, and remember it was introduced as the “Property Tax Reform and Relief Act of 2019,” they were flanked at a news conference by...
April 25th, 2019
In defiance of Republican leadership at the Texas Capitol moving toward banning such a move, the Dallas City Council on Wednesday voted to require that p
April 18th, 2019
The pro-life movement has long opposed criminalizing women as it seeks to ban abortion because it protects the abortionist, while endangering the life of the mother. Our movement recognized early on you save the baby by...
April 12th, 2019
Texas Alliance for Life is not recommending the Legislature pass HB 896. Our goal is to completely protect unborn babies from abortion beginning at fertilization. However, HB 896 will not do that, because it has little...
April 10th, 2019
There’s new life to an effort to ban local governments in Texas from requiring that private employers provide paid sick leave.
March 14th, 2019
Texas Republicans are once again taking aim at government-mandated collective bargaining agreements on taxpayer-funded construction projects around the state. A legislative hearing on the issue on Wednesday, though,...
March 6th, 2019
A Texas Senate committee has signed off on a proposed ban on city ordinances that require private employers to provide paid sick leave to employees.
February 22nd, 2019
State lawmakers are trying to reform a complicated taxing system where everything from suburban growth to gentrification and a homeowner’s age influence how much Texans pay their local governments.
February 5th, 2019
Texas Governor Greg Abbott delivered his State of the State Address today, where he layed his agenda for the 2019 Texas Legislative Session. Watch his address below: