
HFAC hearing
President Biden failed America, our troops, and our allies when he withdrew from Afghanistan without a plan of action.
white house
Last week, the Biden administration finally announced they will share the Afghanistan withdrawal after-action report, a document I have requested for months.
Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) introduced the Ensuring America's Critical Infrastructure Act, which would codify 16 infrastructure sectors as “critical infrastructure.” These sectors include Chemical, Commercial...
I released the following statement after Latifa Sharifi, an Afghan human rights lawyer who was not able to leave the country in the midst of the Biden Administration’s withdrawal, arrived safely in Texas after months of...
permanent legal status
With the one-year anniversary of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan and the fall of Kabul, several prominent evangelical leaders have sent a letter to Congress, urging members to pass legislation that would allow...
Monday, I released a statement on the one-year anniversary of President Biden’s chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal:
More than 70,000 (over 94%) of Afghans resettled in the U.S. thus far have been processed under humanitarian parole. Parole offers only limited, temporary benefits and — unlike refugees and SIVs — no clear path to permanent...
During the Afghanistan evacuation and in the six months since, hundreds of stories have come to light, highlighting how President Biden’s willful blindness to the situation on the ground, coupled with his administration’s...
Congress has a constitutional duty to conduct oversight on this tragic mistake, especially as President Biden claims to proceed with an "over-the-horizon" counterterrorism strategy.
We are urgently concerned about the Taliban’s naming of one of the FBI’s most-wanted terrorist operatives, Sirajuddin Haqqani, head of a terrorist group known as the Haqqani Network, as the country’s acting interior minister...
Since August 2021, I've pushed President Biden and Department of State Secretary Antony Blinken for answers on why the withdrawal from Afghanistan was such a disaster. Part of what I requested is the release of the...
This week, as chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, I held a hearing on President Biden's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan — an unmitigated disaster of epic proportions.
I sent letters directing the Biden Administration’s Homeland Security Officials to preserve documents related to the Administration’s disastrous failures along the U.S.-Mexico border and in its withdrawal from Afghanistan....
nuclear weapons Iran
I issued the following statement in response to statements by Biden administration officials that they are prepared to accept Iran’s terms for entering a new nuclear deal:
strategic failure
I joined House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul in releasing an interim report entitled, “A ‘Strategic Failure’: Assessing the Adm
I released the below statement following Monday's airstrike killing Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri:Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was an enemy of the United States, a danger to our national security and allies, and an...
The evangelical leaders’ letter, which was affirmed by approximately 900 signatories from across the country, also urges Congress to pass legislation to grant permanent legal status to other categories of immigrants who are...
A Marine lieutenant colonel who was imprisoned for criticizing military leadership about the withdrawal from Afghanistan, during which a suicide attack left 13 soldiers dead, has been formally charged with six violations of...
I sent a letter to the Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin asking them to help the family members of U.S. servicemembers who are currently trapped in Afghanistan, and for details on what...
After a meeting between top UN officials and Taliban leaders on Sunday, including Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar - who is expected to be Afghanistan's next president, the Taliban said the UN has vowed to keep aid flowing to the...



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