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The following joint statement was issued by Representative Ronny Jackson (TX-13), in addition to Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Richard Burr (R-NC), Rob Portman (R-OH), and Ben Sasse (R-NE) after...
Six Chinese military aircraft transited the airspace of Turkey and Bulgaria, both of which are NATO members, on April 11 to deliver missiles to Serbia, a key ally of Vladimir Putin’s regime in Russia.
Instead of pursuing serious policies to counter China, Democrats stuffed a 2,900 page bill full of climate change provisions and partisan initiatives that do nothing to improve American competitiveness.
I recently joined The Sam Malone Show to discuss President Biden's continued economic crisis, weak foreign policy, continued border crisis and rising crime across the country.
Democrats in Congress aren't serious about confronting China, holding them accountable for their trade commitments, or insisting China stop cheating America and other countries.
This decision signals to our adversaries Finland’s commitment to joining like-minded nations to preserve peace.
It is time that we start pulling the curtain back to expose China’s brazen and relentless intellectual property theft.
Here at home, there is no question that China is a looming presence, but it's not in our backyard. We don't see its warships on our coastlines or worry about an imminent military invasion on our shores. But that's not the...
China's military has built mockups in the shape of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and other U.S. warships, possibly as training targets, in the desert of Xinjiang, satellite images by Maxar showed on Sunday.
As China has sought to expand its global dominance, India has resisted their exploitation and looked elsewhere to bolster its defense capabilities and economy. Now would be exactly the wrong time for President Biden to undo...
I have been named to represent the House Energy & Commerce Committee in negotiations between the House’s United States Innovation and Competition (USICA) and the Senate’s U.S. Innovation and Competition (COMPETES) Acts...
This administration must take immediate action and stand up for the agricultural producers that feed and clothe our nation. It’s time to put the United States first and stand up to our adversaries.
Unfortunately, Democrats' America COMPETES Act does nothing to properly prevent China from stealing our intellectual property, hold them accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic, or address their continued military aggressions...
I joined my fellow members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) in releasing a statement ahead of the opening of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
As cross-strait tensions between China and Taiwan worsen, the United States must deter Chinese aggression by providing Taiwan with the appropriate support and defense capabilities.
Ending forced labor—and holding China accountable for these gross abuses of human rights—must be a global effort. America should lead the world in halting China’s brutality, and all democracies around the world should join...
At a time when our allies don’t trust us after the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, the CRUCIAL Act will signal to our most vital Indo-Pacific partners that we are prepared for the long-haul and that we will stand with them in...
Now more than ever, with the rise of China, our partners in Taiwan, India and the Philippines play a critical role in protecting democracy throughout southeast Asia, and I appreciated the opportunity to meet with them last...
It is imperative that President Biden stop being so risk-averse, stop appeasing Putin and Xi, and move quickly to develop critical capabilities that our adversaries are now perfecting.
The People's Republic of China's continued military aggression against Taiwan is abhorrent. The United States must adequately respond to these constant threats to Taiwan's autonomy with extreme fervor.



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