
Democrats’ attacks on the First Amendment continue with a gaggle of 17 attorneys general from 15 states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands who call themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.”
We began March by honoring Texas Independence Day and the fall of the Alamo. Reading about Texas history is one of my favorite past times. It’s what makes us unique as Texans. It’s what makes us proud. The history of our...
This Primary, if you vote in the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY only, you will have four propositions to vote on at the end of the ballot.
With the holidays behind us and the second session of the 114th Congress in full swing, the New Year is a good chance to look back at the legislative accomplishments from last year. Too often, the media covers the bickering...
I love it when an organic idea or a Facebook post turns into a blog, don't you? Well, that's what spawned this blog idea in particular. Well, that and a city election that just happened this past Tuesday.
There has been much discussion of Dr. Ben Carson's statement in a Meet The Press interview with Chuck Todd that he would not support a Muslim candidate to be president of The United States.
There is a growing assault on the Judeo Christian values which serve as the foundation of our Western civilization and the basis of all our laws. These core principles have been a vital part of making America the greatest...
The Supreme Court has once again ruled to block the rights of individual states, putting women at a greater risk during surgical procedures.
Our civil liberties are constantly under attack. Recently the Associated Press reported that the FBI is flying surveillance aircraft over U.S. cities to capture data on Americans’ cell phones.
Last week, I introduced H.R. 2255, a bill that would make the American Community Survey voluntary. Under the Constitution, the federal government must conduct a Census every ten years to account for the population. To do so...
The process specified in Article V for a convention to propose amendments raises many questions that require careful consideration. Questions arise concerning how such a convention would work, what types of amendments it...
California federal judge’s decision to mandate that Apple create new technology to give the FBI backdoor access to iPhones.
Constitutional stalwart Supreme Court Justice ANTONIN SCALIA has died. You understand what this means: Unless Republicans have some testosterone, it's over.
Are you considering year-end tax deductible contributions? If so, I urge you to give consideration to The Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI). First responders, President Tom Giovanetti and Senior Fellow Dr.
Welcome back to class, students! I am Mike Adams your criminology professor here at UNC-Wilmington. Before we get started with the course I need to address an issue that is causing problems here at UNCW and in higher...
Look at this lefty report of TX Governor Greg Abbott being verbally assaulted in the airport in New York because he continues to oppose the imposition of same-sex marriage.
I sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Thursday asking him to confirm that his agency will respect America’s longstanding principle of religious liberty in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in ...
It seems to me that some people in Washington will do whatever it takes to seize our guns and ammunition. They operate with no regard for the Constitution, the Courts, the Congress or the will of the people.
Most of us have left a comment online or used platforms like Yelp or TripAdvisor to post a review of a restaurant or product. However did you know that leaving a comment or posting a review can actually lead to a lawsuit....
I listened to last week’s oral arguments before The Supreme Court about a constitutional mandate of same-sex marriage, and I was STUNNED. Much was discussed on both sides about the social implications and social...



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