
This week, I introduced H.R. 1962, the Free Flow of Information Act of 2013. This bill will protect reporters from being compelled to reveal their confidential news sources in federal court proceedings. Specifically, the...
I talk to Brion McClanahan, author of The Founding Fathers’ Guide to the Constitution, in this brief video. I was in a funny mood this morning, so I decided to include a blooper at the end.
The Northwest Ordinance—adopted in 1787 by the Congress of the Confederation and passed again by Congress in 1789 after the ratification of the U.S. Constitution to govern the Northwest Territories, which included modern day...
My latest investigative documentary now has over 300 thousand hits on youtube.This report exposes the blatant trampling of the Constitutional rights of Americans during white collar crime investigations by the Department of...
Sometimes we don’t notice the real danger even while it’s lurking right under our collective noses. For Hollingsworth v. Perry –the Supreme Court case involving Proposition 8--the media coverage and discussion...
The second of the ten “bill of rights” amendments has been said to be “not needed until you need it.” With the recent public mass shootings prompting gun-ban groups (almost exclusively extreme leftist/progressive/Marxist...
I can already see the liberal news headlines.... "Texas Wants to Teach Students How to Kill" is what the gun control advocates will say. They will post pictures (like the one on the right) that makes it look like Texas is...
Deeply enshrined in our founding documents is the concept that our rights come from God and not the government. The Declaration of Independence proudly proclaims "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are...
Georgetown Constitutional Law Professor Michael Seidman’s January 2nd, 2013 New York Times Op-Ed “Let’s Give Up on the Constitution” has created a stir. While some dismiss his op-ed as a rant based on frustration that...
Reports are circulating around Washington D.C. that the Obama Administration plans to come out of the gate this month with a push on his immigration reform program. We have heard these promises before so it will be...
Citing a violation of Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S. Constitution and other unconstitutional actions, Houston businessman, Dr. Steven Hotze, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Houston on Tuesday against the federal...
On April 4, 2013, The Baker Institute hosted a Conference: Immigration Reform: A system for the 21st Century. It was a forum where U.S. immigration experts, key public policy and political figures discussed the specifics of...
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who famously filibustered the nomination of CIA Director John Brennan over his position on the use of drones against American citizens, has now apparently done a 180 degree turn on the issue after...
Greg Abbott - Your Liberty -- as a United States citizen -- was weakened and threatened when the Obama Administration helped the United Nations pass the Arms Trade Treaty. Immediately after this disappointing vote, I wrote a...
You are likely seeing posts about the coming “right-wing attack,” meant to foment more support for gun control. But what the government isn’t going to allow the lamestream media to tell you is, it is they who are planning an...
Written by Walter Coffey: In 1787, a convention was held to strengthen the Articles of Confederation that governed the new United States. However, the delegates instead seceded from the nation under the Articles and drafted...
The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so...
According to Texas on the Potomac, Congressman Steve Stockman and Senator Rand Paul have filed bills which would block any Executive Order that violates the U.S. constitution.Stockman’s ‘Restore the Constitution Act’ is a...
Just in case you want to know why the Second Amendment is important, consider what happened in Georgia. An intruder came in the house, and a woman with her two children hid in a crawl space before the perpetrator opened the...
I find it very hard to understand why there is so much emphasis on ‘coming together’. The truth is that the LEFT will never understand that we want God in our lives and see Christ as our Lord and Savior and that we love...



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