
Recently on the floor, I discussed Democratic leadership’s decision to release to the media a letter to Majority Leader McConnell on coronavirus relief instead of engaging in good-faith negotiations.
Watch video of my remarks at the recent Ron Paul symposium in Texas.
Lockdowns only delay the inevitable, and they leave wreckage in their wake.
It's been over seven months since COVID-19 fundamentally changed Texans’ lives. Seven long months – and longer for some.But what was true in March is still true today, which is that when the going gets tough, you can always...
As we continue the fight against COVID-19, it is clear that the development of a safe, effective vaccine for the American people is the best way to defeat this virus.  Fortunately, Operation Warp Speed (OWS), created by...
Joe Biden's answer to Chinese Covid-19? Blame President Trump. Don't be fooled, he has no answers. We have seen what lockdown was good for, economic and personal devastation.
In response to a surge of COVID-19 cases in El Paso, recently I called Assistant Secretary of Defense Kenneth Rapuano to request he open the William Beaumont Army Medical Center to relieve pressure on El Paso area medical...
The Senate had the opportunity to pass a bill with half a trillion dollars in additional relief for workers, schools, small businesses, and vaccine research. No controversial positions, nothing ‘Republican’ or ‘Democrat’...
Recently on Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier, I discussed the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Judiciary Committee’s response to recent accusations of social media...
binary code
Cybersecurity affects our everyday lives – including everything from virtual learning and working from home to managing election security.
Donald Trump
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said the Trump administration was a key part of accelerating the company's progress in developing the vaccine.
veterans day
Dear Fellow Texans:Please join me this Veterans Day in honoring the men and women who have served our nation in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Pfizer announced Monday that a COVID-19 vaccine developed with its partner, BioNTech, has proved to be more than 90% effective and that it plans to ask regulators for permission to sell the shot before the end of this month...
American flag
Under President Trump, America saw the greatest economy in history. Wages were up, unemployment – especially for minorities and women – was at historic lows, manufacturing was back, and jobs and businesses that had...
Professor Gabriel Scally, a member of the SAGE group advising the British government on COVID-19, is asked if he’s done any kind of cost-benefit analysis with regard to lockdowns, since lockdowns carry a heavy cost both in...
A musician who’s weary of the COVID hysteria just sent me the following, and I thought (with her permission) you might also want to read it.
We already passed $3.8 trillion worth of COVID-19 relief, and I believe we do need to do some more. That's why I was disappointed when Senate Democrats voted to block another half trillion dollar bill on September the 10th...
This is probably the most important talk I’ve ever given. I don’t think you’ll be bored.
ghoat town
I almost don’t blame people who are unaware of this information, because you have to go to the UK, usually, or the international press in general, to find it. But here is some of the collateral damage caused by lockdowns....



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