Debate on SB6

This session had more than its fair share of dispiriting moments. Quite a few of those came courtesy of the bathroom bill and the misleading public-safety rhetoric its supporters used to justify restrictions on where...
I'm a mom. A Christian. A conservative. I know Governor Abbott is on the verge of making a decision about whether to call a special session of the legislature and whether to include a "bathroom bill" in such a session.
Overall, 39 percent of Texans said it’s important for the Legislature to pass a bathroom law,while 51 percent said it’s not important. While 24 percent rated passing a law “very important,” 38 percent said it is “not at all...
The following article was originally published on Texas Believes.At the core of his faith, The Reverend Doctor Larry Bethune is guided by the strong belief that “God loves all people and loves all people equally.”...
Apparently taking a page from the playbook of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Gov. Greg Abbott has called on the pastors of megachurches across the state asking for their help in passing the bathroom bill, according to the sermon of a...
As a lifelong Republican and as a Texas business leader, I’m asking the Texas Legislature to make the common-sense choice for our state: oppose discriminatory legislation that takes us backwards.
I am here today because legislation that is being proposed will impact our beloved church community. 
The state’s nearly $129 billion tourism industry would take a $3.3 billion hit each year and see an annual loss of 35,600 full-time equivalent jobs resulting from lost leisure travel and convention bookings if Texas...
I am so proud to live in a country that cares so passionately about the safety of our children. This is a great starting point we can use toward common ground.I am a registered Republican. I am a Christian. I have a degree...
The clock begins its inexorable tick to closing time and Republican members of the Texas Legislature such as myself are left to contemplate that which will  define the session and our political legacies. Most of us will hew...
To thunderous applause by school board members from around the state gathered in the Alamo City, the presiding officer of the Texas House of Representatives last week said that despite a laundry list of red meat special...
I’m a politically conservative Christian. Six years ago, God blessed my husband and me with a beautiful daughter. Like all parents, we want to do everything we can to keep her safe.
My daughter Kai is six years old. She also happens to be transgender. (As a lifelong Conservative Christian, this turn in the road came as a huge surprise, and you can read more about that here.)
For the past 35 years, TAASA has been the voice for sexual assault survivors in Texas. I wish I was here today to speak about one of the solid, victim-centered bills currently proposed in the legislature.
The real fact of the matter is that these bills won’t do anything. Who is going to police it – are you going to have a police officer standing outside every restroom? And a criminal is going to do criminal things, period....
As the Texas Senate was getting down to work on the “bathroom bill,” Dr. Steve Hotze, an anti-gay activist and longtime business partner of Lt. Gov.
Travel and tourism is an important source of economic activity. Every year, millions of visitors to Texas spend billions of dollars in the state, and hundreds of thousands of individuals across Texas are employed in travel-...
Countering Senate leadership’s Senate Bill 6, the Texas House on Thursday rolled out its version of a bill dealing with privacy in restrooms, changing facilities and showers – a proposal that State Affairs Committee Chairman...
Opponents say it’s discriminatory, but a key argument in favor of the bill is that it is a public safety measure, though the data to support that argument is largely anecdotal. 
A year after North Carolina enacted a law regulating transgender people’s use of public restrooms, sparking boycotts and costing the state jobs and sports events alike, a new analysis says the legislation’s economic fallout...



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