December 14th, 2012
What is with Obama supporters and the loving communist China form of the government? GE President Jeffrey Immelt, like New York Times Tom Friedman and former SEIU leader Andy Stern before him, noted that Chinese...
September 8th, 2011
During Obama's jobs speech tonight, Obama outlined his American Jobs Act. There were many things he said that were just silly and the math does not add up. 1) American Jobs Act is NOT paid for and will use Debt...
March 8th, 2012
A single California windmill farm is whacking about 70 Golden Eagles per year, according to the L.A. Times. Under the endangered species laws, these killings are punishable by fines of $...
August 2nd, 2010
A friend sent me an email wondering how Keith Olbermann can carry on with his hysterics at MSNBC. This was my best guessI have given considerable thought to this question of why Keith Olbermann endures. I regularly poke a...