June 21st, 2011
Monday evening, Texas Governor Rick Perry stepped up and drew a line in the sand challenging the TSAs authority to conduct invasive and unwarrented searches of Texans by issuing a p
May 31st, 2011
Texas Governor Rick Perry has held the Texas Legislature in place by calling for a Special Session to deal with a school finance plan blocked by Democrats in the regular session. The session will also deal with Medicaid cost...
May 27th, 2011
As I sit in the Capitol of Texas today, I am saddened to learn that The Texas Senate has completely blown an opportunity to tell the TSA and the Federal Government that Texans will not stand for their liberties to be...
May 25th, 2011
In a move more reflective of cowardice than leadership, the Texas Senate yesterday, succumbed to the mere veiled threat of a letter from the almighty federal Department of Justice (DOJ) and pulled HB 1937 back from a...
March 11th, 2011
(Austin) - A broad coalition of Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Texas, led by State Representative David Simpson (R-Longview), have introduced legislation to safeguard traveler dignity by restraining the...
June 20th, 2011
Update: Gov. Perry Adds Legislation to Special Session Call Related to Security ProceduresThe following is a letter from State Rep. David Simpson (HD-7):Dear Governor Perry:If you are willing, there is still time to...
May 27th, 2011
(Austin) – Despite overwhelming support from the public for HB 1937, a bill to protect the Fourth Amendment rights of Texas citizens, the federal Department of Justice (DOJ) succeeded in intimidating the Texas Senate into...
May 26th, 2011
Update: The bill is dead in Senate. Call Gov. Perry (800-252-9600) and ask for a special session.TSA agents harassed two Texas Wounded Veterans trying to get on a plane. Where were these two wounded warriors going?...
May 25th, 2011
The following came in from State Representative David Simpson (HD-7):Yesterday, Tuesday the 24th, the Texas legislature was visited by federal agents from the TSA and the Dept. of Justice to lobby against HB 1937, my bill to...
March 6th, 2011
Texas Representative David Simpson introduced two bills, HB 1937 and HB 1938, that will challenge the TSA's pat downs and body scanning equipment. HB 1938 reads in part: (b) An airport operator may not allow body imaging...