Latinos and the GOP

The State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) quarterly meeting is March 26th and March 27th. Most of the meetings are restricted to the public, as elected Republican executives discuss executive matters, but parts are...
March For America is a protest taking place Sunday, March 21st in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this protest is to demand that Obama and Congress keep their promise to enact immigration reform legislation. TexasGOPVote...
Recent polls indicate that the number 1 issue in America is the economy and job creation, and nowhere is this sentiment more evident than in Texas' 23rd Congressional District. Our unemployment levels not only exceed our...
When I first heard of State Senator Leticia Van de Putte's comments regarding Latinos and the GOP my immediate instinct was to call her out on her apparent ignorance, considering that Francisco Canseco and Bill Flores made...
Facing a bleak 2010 election year and the prospect of losing once previously comfortable Texas Congressional Districts, scared democrats are grasping for their defense of last resort: the race card.
The Dallas Tea Party is holding a Birthday celebration/protest this Saturday, February 27th, and MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has been invited. The invitation was prompted after Olbermann called out Tea Party members for racial...
Adryana Boyne, National Director of VOCES Action, was interviewed by TexasGOPVote. VOCES stands for “Voices Offering Conservative Empowering Solutions.” VOCES Action is aimed at communicating conservative values within and...
The 29th Congressional District of Texas serves the eastern portion of the Greater Houston area. Democat Gene Green is currently representing this district and has been since 1993.
The 25th Congressional District of Texas is located in Central Texas. Democrat Lloyd Doggett has been representing this district since 2005, and is up for re-election in the 2010 election. With a 34% Hispanic population, the...
Someone asked me if I realized Lou Dobbs had changed his tune on Immigration. I told them yes, because I had seen him on the O'Reilly Factor. Lou Dobbs has changed his tune and I am delighted!
11:00 (EST): A sunny day in Washington, DC today. There are 50,000 people expected to attend the March for America at the National Mall today.1:30 (EST): Thousands of marchers from across the United States ascend upon the...
Though NumbersUSA would like to be considered as part of the Tea Party movement, the Tea Partiers are keeping their distance.
(The late Richard Nadler was a close friend and mentor to me and others including John Berlau of the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review. His death last summer left a void in the...
According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, high ranking Republicans are starting to tone down harsh rhetoric toward immigration and trying to recruit more Latino candidates in "response to the party's soul-...
Out on the border, there is another race that is not as high-profile as the race to reclaim Congressional District 23 but is equally important. The race I am speaking of is Yolanda Sotelo Garza's race for the Republican...
Adryana Boyne, National Director of VOCES Action, was interviewed by TexasGOPVote. VOCESstands for “Voices Offering Conservative Empowering Solutions.” VOCES Action is aimed at communicating conservative values within and...
The Rise of Latino Conservatism was a session at the Conservative Political Action Conference sponsored by the American Principles Project and featured speakers Alfonso Aguilar, Grover Norquist, Karyme Lozano, and Mario...
The issue of illegal immigration was front and center for a few moments during Friday night's debate for the GOP nomination for governor.
Lauro Garza reopened the discussion over the stark anti-immigration language in the GOP, which also opened some discussion about l(L?)ibertarianism. What is most notable about these discussions is the resemblance the...
Living in Iowa, I am at ground zero of American presidential aspirations. Iowa caucus is the first step in the Presidential nomination process and it is the Iowa Caucus that shrinks the presidential field (even though it...



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