Latinos and the GOP

Utah Republicans have put together a compromise plan worth conservatives to examine. Utah is hardly a bastion of liberalism but they have combined a plan that allows law abiding illegals to stay in the state while allowing...
The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC) affirms its support of Texas Voter ID legislation. We understand the need for election reform that will improve our election process by deterring fraud and allowing...
Mandatory E-verify, and Arizona style bills, will do nothing to secure the border. They will create unfunded mandates for law enforcement and they will drive undocumented workers away from tax-paying employers and deeper...
Raul Labrador, U.S. Representative from Idaha, was born in Puerto Rico. As a Latino, he opens by taking note of the diversity represented by the speakers present today. He gives a stirring story about coming to the U.S. and...
The following came in from the Republican Party of Texas:In a recent news article published at Capitol Inside, a deputy spokesman for the Texas Democratic Party criticized Republican Hispanic members of the Texas Legislature...
On January 18, 2011, the Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas (LNRC of Texas) attended the Inauguration of Governor Rick Perry and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. We are proud of these two great Texans and public...
Today, I addressed the 2011 Inaugural Conference of the Hispanic Leadership Network in Coral Gables, FL. The following are my remarks, as prepared for delivery:Thank you, Jorge Plasencia. I want to thank our co-chairs for...
Earlier this month, I published an article on party switchers for Empower Texans. It was more wishful thinking on my part than anything else, but would you know it, apparently there are several Democrats considering such a...
Once again, Lame Duck Democrats (led by the arrogance of Sen. Harry Reid, D-NV) are playing dirty politics to will try and shove the Dream Act through the Senate without proper debate. Clearly, Reid and the Democrats could...
I came across an article called, “How Hispanic Voters Kept Texas Red” written by a Houston attorney named Mark R. Yzaguirre. I read this article and I place a capitalized WARNING label on it.
The good news, Republicans are seeing gains in both congressional seats and electorial college votes. The bad news is that many of those votes are the result of increase Hispanic population growth, which brings us to the big...
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It is refreshing to see my fellow conservative Republican Steve Hotze bring a free market perspective to the issue of illegal immigration. For too long we have allowed outside interest groups funded by zero population growth...
TexasGOPVote blogger and former deputy director of Coalitions at the Republican National Committee, Manny Rosales participated in a roundtable discussion at CPAC 2011 Saturday. The topic of discussion? - "Conservative...
Like a raggedy, overthrown tyrant, in handcuffs rambling on and on about the changing conditions of his former dictatorship, Texas Democrats are finding themselves crying over a Texas revolution that cannot be stopped. A...
Thirty-eight years ago the Supreme Court made a terrible decision that imposed abortion-on-demand in America. Abortion affects ALL Americans and certainly affects the Hispanic community in America. According to a recent poll...
No! In 2010, Arizona was condemned by the Obama Administration for its efforts to enforce immigration laws on its own. I strongly believe Arizona has the right to try to solve its problems, especially when the federal...
When Texas State Representative Aaron Pena switched to the Republican Party recently, he became the 100th member of the Republican Caucus of the State House of R
It is really amazing what happens when one actually reads the text of a bill. You find out what the Democrats are really up to! Democrats have been teasing Hispanic Voters for years with the Dream Act. Dangling it like a...
The election of 2010 is over and the election of 2012 has begun. Put away the champagne bottles, the celebration for 2010 should be officially over. Despite the overwhelming victory for Republicans, there are gathering...
Included in the GOP wave that swept Texas Democrats back to being even more irrelevant than they already were, were five Latino Republicans and two black Republicans. Let that sink in for a minute. Yes, nearly one-third of...



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