March 14th, 2018
I spent Tuesday night talking to students at UC Santa Barbara about the true record of communism – a chunk of history a rather substantial portion of Americans know nothing about.
July 7th, 2014
While watching the Megyn Kelly drilling of Bill Ayers, several thoughts popped into my mind. The first is how does a known terrorist and Marxist become an accepted part of the Chicago political establishment? Imagine the...
December 29th, 2011
The world lost one of its great leaders when Czech Republic leader Vaclav Havel died, but after his death, a few on the left could not contain themselves. One leftist, Neil Clark, claimed, “Havel did not help make his...
March 25th, 2010
Marxism as a serious political ideology is dead. Communism as a serious political ideology is dead. No one really truly practices or even believes in communism, even the Chinese have long abandoned Marxism as an economic...
December 10th, 2014
Will the United Nations wield its unproven claim that greenhouse gas emissions cause climate change to require each of its 193 member nations to measure and report GHG emissions, a prerequisite for a global carbon tax? Does...
April 25th, 2012
My friend Brad Thompson, whom I interviewed last year (see the second half of this YouTube video) on neoconservatism, sent along this talk he gave not long ago on the subject of why Marxism attracted (and in some cases still...
April 19th, 2010
Remember that video by former Saturday Night Live Star, Victoria Jackson, claiming that there is a communist living in the White House?