Radical Environmentalism

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"The Texas Democratic Party is no longer the party of Texas," according to Texas State Rep. J.M. Lozano. "They are the party of San Francisco." These are comments from Texas newest Republican state legislator during an...
The EPA has launched a fear-inciting, "crucify them" strategy to force companies to comply with their incessantly burdensome and malignant regulations. In a recently posted video from 2010, a top EPA Region IV (which covers...
Many, including this writer, have lamented the tyranny oft-imposed by the judicial branch on the rest of us. Such abuses have included “Alice in Wonderland” interpretations such as:The Voting Rights Act of 1965 being...
Sometimes, a simple solution sits in front of us and all it takes is the will to simply say “Go for it.” The solution for our energy problems is simple, “Drill, baby drill and dig, baby dig.” In previous articles, I have...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member...
When I was learning to drive, I asked my dad to teach me to drive a stick, and he asked me why. As he explained, “You are putting automotive back thirty years, you don’t realize how glad I was to be able to put the key into...
There’s no conflict between the three legs of Reagan Conservatism, in spite of the confusion surrounding contraception and homosexual “rights” we witnessed during the New Hampshire debates. Social issues such as the right to...
Steven Hayward of AEI noted that climategate was the single event that changed the debate since the weakness of man-made climate change science was exposed and studies like CERN showed the significance of natural causes....
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
The United Nations finally concluded its Climate Change meeting in Durban, South Africa at about 3:30 a.m. Sunday, a day and a half late. Delegates did not create a new treaty to legally bind nations to limit greenhouse gas...
I released the following statement responding to statements made by EPA Region Six Administrator Al Armendariz:The comments made by Administrator Armendariz back in 2010 confirm what we’ve known all along: the EPA’s crusade...
In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Courts stunning 9-0 decision slapping down the EPAs over-reaching enforcement practices, and just in time to celebrate "Earth Day", FreeMarketAmerica.org released the video "If I wanted...
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Recently President Obama went on an Air Force One campaign tour promoting his "energy independence" plan. Looking for photo ops the president stopped in the oil producing region of Eastern New Mexico and West Texas. He made...
A single California windmill farm is whacking about 70 Golden Eagles per year, according to the L.A. Times. Under the endangered species laws, these killings are punishable by fines of $...
AUSTIN—Today, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and five members of the Texas Senate sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner urging Congress to immediately approve construction of the...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
As American families continue struggling to make ends meet in the Obama economy, House Republicans are committed to protecting all workers from tax increases and putting an end to reckless government spending. I am...
President Obama and his Democratic party’s radical environmental agenda are killing American jobs and the economy.



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