
It has been a tumultuous and at times a surreal summer.  We are left wondering, “What’s Next?” Most Americans are noticing the high cost of food, gasoline and everything else and find it difficult to budget everyday costs. ...
Mayflower Compact
I have to give Rush Limbaugh credit for “the rest of the story” of Thanksgiving on his show. It is a story about the failure of socialism and the successes of capitalism!
AOC movement
While Chairman James Dickey is working diligently to hold the first on-line Republican State Convention so that the business of the party can be completed and President Donald Trump can be reelected, celebrity Allen West who...
swamp economy
We have a figurative war on our hands, but not against enemy bullets. It is not against the Coronavirus itself.
Bernie Sanders sold out to Hillary Clinton. In case you wonder what that looks like, here’s a reminder.
None of this is true. I have never in my life met anyone who thinks “people exist to serve the market” and that if they cannot be profitable “their life has no value.”
There are hundreds of thousands of Americans that don’t get it.  They are still thinking that their democrat party is the same it was decades ago.  (This thinking being a great example of the ‘normalcy bias’.)
The Bolshevik Revolution was one of the worst events in human history.That scarcely seems debatable.Some deluded folks try to pretend Joseph Stalin hijacked what had originally been a noble cause. This is what my professor...
Earlier this week I criticized the far-left socialist policies being advocated by some congressional Democrats. Excerpts of my floor remarks are below, and video can be found here:
Republicans vs Democrats
In our world of politics today, we use several terms to define people or groups.  Far too often those labels are misused with an end objective in mind — to confuse, obfuscate, or totally misdirect a person or persons’...
The only way we can move our economy forward is through free-market principles and allowing a free people to do what we do best.
Chip Roy
In case you haven’t heard, Congressman (CD21) Chip Roy is being challenged by Wendy Davis, one of the most hard core progressives you can imagine.  Davis is the complete reverse of the principles that Roy epitomizes.  The...
During the Obama administration our unemployment reached over 6% in the U.S.  Understand that our calculation for unemployment was changed when Bill Clinton took office in 1993.  The new popular calculation used...
As Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs committee, I’ve seen the disastrous consequences of socialist dictatorships around the world and am gravely concerned that the leading Democrat nominee has high praise not only...
People often laugh when they discuss Austin, Texas.  They typically start with their city motto — ‘Keep Austin Weird’ — which IS weird.  But what this city is doing to Texas is no laughing matter.
The socialists in America have been beating their anti-Christian drum making a lot of noise over recent years.  Americans have had a choice of religions including atheism since our country’s founding — via the 1st amendment...
Today on the floor, I discussed the push for socialist policies within the Democratic Party and the detrimental effects those policies would have on Texas. Excerpts of my floor remarks are below, and video can be found here...
The American people are being played.  The Left is smart enough to mask their true intent and disguise themselves as a more palatable term such as socialists.  But in reality, that term is being misused way too much.
It’s no secret. The Socialists AKA the Democrat Party want to crush us, to destroy America as quickly as possible. Not only do they want to bring extreme abortion right up to the second of birth but after birth. Like the...
I have written several times about the communists in America.  But their progress continues to speed up.  They’ve been here active since the early 1900’s and most Americans are totally unaware of their presence, much less...



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