Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest federal court of the United States. The Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
October 10th, 2016
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not a believer in protesting by sitting or kneeling during the national anthem. Speaking to Yahoo! on Monday morning, Ginsburg had some harsh words for San Francisco 49ers...
June 27th, 2016
Today the Supreme Court announced its ruling on a major abortion case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. This case reviewed Texas’s pro-life law, H.B. 2, relating to proper medical and health standards at...
May 20th, 2016
Republican presidential presumptive nominee Donald Trump released a list of eleven jurists he would consider appointing to the U.S. Supreme Court, including Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett.
April 30th, 2016
Democrats’ attacks on the First Amendment continue with a gaggle of 17 attorneys general from 15 states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands who call themselves “AGs United for Clean Power.”
April 7th, 2016
The Administration and their liberal allies are now trying to basically throw everything but the kitchen sink to try to stop the American people from getting a voice in this matter.
March 18th, 2016
I released the following statement after President Obama announced his intent to nominate Judge Merrick Garland to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
February 15th, 2016
America lost a great Constitutional scholar when Justice Antonin Scalia, 79, the longest-serving member of the current Supreme Court, passed away on a ranch near Marfa, Texas.
January 24th, 2016
The U.S. Supreme Court decided to consider a challenge to HB 2, the pro-life law passed by wide margins in the Texas House and Senate and signed into law by then-Gov. Rick Perry in July 2013. That case is known as Whole...
October 22nd, 2015
The Breitbart News Article of July 1, 2015, “Scalia in Gay Marriage Ruling Dissent: Where are The Protestants?” illustrates how this Court has morphed judicial independence to mean ‘judicial supremacy’.
July 17th, 2015
I sent a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen Thursday asking him to confirm that his agency will respect America’s longstanding principle of religious liberty in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in ...
August 22nd, 2016
Just over a year ago the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began to release a series of undercover videos chronicling Planned Parenthood’s alarming practice of selling body parts of aborted victims– livers, kidneys, eyeballs...
June 27th, 2016
Today on a 5-3 vote, the United States Supreme Court struck down key parts of HB 2, the Texas abortion facility safety law.
May 6th, 2016
Going from the office as one of the best Texas Attorneys General ever to Governor, Governor Abbott has brought at least two big legislative disappointments. The first shocking disappointment was his push for the Pre-K4...
April 22nd, 2016
The Supreme Court of the United States heard the historical case of United States v. Texas, on Monday, regarding executive overreach. People all over the country are interested in this case, but only a handful of...
March 21st, 2016
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a giant of American jurisprudence. His intellect, wit, and commitment to the rule of law inspired a generation of legal minds -- including me -- to follow the law as written and to...
February 19th, 2016
Jordan and Julie Siverd admired Justice Antonin Scalia so much they drove 21 hours from Louisiana to pay their last respects.
With temperatures just above freezing, they were among the first of thousands forming the line on...
February 14th, 2016
Constitutional stalwart Supreme Court Justice ANTONIN SCALIA has died. You understand what this means: Unless Republicans have some testosterone, it's over.
December 11th, 2015
Terrorists have used Twitter to convert thousands of young American minds and recruit new jihadists for ISIS.Federal law prohibits giving aid or helping a designated foreign terrorist organization. These FTOs use Twitter, an...
July 20th, 2015
Look at this lefty report of TX Governor Greg Abbott being verbally assaulted in the airport in New York because he continues to oppose the imposition of same-sex marriage.
July 8th, 2015
It's been a little over a week since the Supreme Court granted a ruling making gay marriage the law of the land nationwide. The overused joke is that Facebook feeds have begun to look like a war between the Confederacy and...