The Texas Solution

Humanitarian crisis on the Texas-Mexico border turns the issue on its head.Hoping to lose none of any ground – either real or perceived – they may have gained on immigration in the ...
Dear Republican Party of Texas Delegate,Thank you for agreeing to serve as a delegate to the 2014 RPT Convention.During the convention delegates will be asked to ratify our Republican Party of Texas Platform. The Platform is...
In June 2012, at the Republican Party of Texas Convention in Fort Worth, I was the only Republican elected official to speak to the Platform Committee and to the approximately 8,000 member delegation in favor of adopting the...
The Texas Federation of Republican Women held a luncheon at Brennan’s on June 25, 2013 in Houston, Texas. The purpose was to award its ‘Champion of Freedom’ Award to Brad Bailey for his Texas Immigration Solution. Bailey has...
[Editor’s Note: Mark Ramsey is a member of the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC), was a member of the 2014 State Platform and Resolutions Committee in Ft. Worth, and wrote the amendment that passed...
Texans will soon be heading to the largest Republican State Convention in the US in Fort Worth on June 5 – 7. Delegates and Alternates will convene to decide on convention rules, the Texas platform and to vote for different...
For the past several years, the Republican-led Texas Legislature has failed to make significant progress in stopping the abuses of workers through unethical employment practices. Many businesses, particularly in the...
As President Barack Obama and Govenor Mitt Romney prepare for Wednesday's debate on domestic policy, I certainly hope they have spent some time looking at immigration. President Obama's policies have been extremely hostile...

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