Texas vs California
May 2nd, 2018
In my previous article, ‘California — A Glimpse into America’s Future?‘, I discussed the lawless nature of that state and how it is becoming more dangerous every year. It has only been days since that article and now an...
January 25th, 2018
How can California, a state with such a rapidly growing economy have the highest supplemental rate of poverty? There are certainly many contributing factors, but this article uses Jackson's research to conclude that...
December 15th, 2016
Focusing on border security, ignoring calls for interior enforcement that will cause chaos and panic, and supporting a conservative guest worker visa program will allow [Trump] to declare victory without alienating the...
July 18th, 2014
California’s lagging and uneven economy is leaving millions of people behind. This isn’t the election year spin coming from members of the Ruling Party in Sacramento, but it’s the harsh economic reality being produced by...
July 15th, 2013
Governor Rick Perry has said good-bye, and while many of us will remember his gaffes in running for president, there are very few public officials who can boast as successful a record as Perry did in governing Texas. When...
May 8th, 2012
In the 1960’s, America was “Californian Dreaming”, but today California resembles more of a banana republic than a healthy state economically. As the more productive citizens move on to more fertile ground, the decline of...
April 30th, 2018
Are people migrating to Texas? Yes. Are they coming here by the thousands? Yes. Are they coming from Mexico? No, they’re coming from all over the U.S.
January 5th, 2018
Everyone knows about California and its expensive lifestyle. And, being well known for its ‘liberal’ views, often the decisions they make aren’t a great surprise either. The two most often topics discussed are money...
August 15th, 2016
Having just returned from California, it's time to ask, is this our future? Basically, we see two roads for America, the Texas road or California road.
April 27th, 2014
Governor Rick Perry can add another victory to the gamut, as automotive giant Toyota Motor Corp. is said to be moving substantial parts of its U.S. headquarters from Torrance, California to Dallas, Texas to seek lower...
April 18th, 2013
Once we were California dreaming and California was the place that you would go to pursue your dreams. Today, it is the state where you are from, not where you are going. When the largest state, population wise, is failing...
March 26th, 2012
Chuck Devore was in the CA state assembly from 2004 to 2010 and ran for US Senate in 2010. He has now moved to Texas. He wrote an article in National Review Online on reasons why Texas is succeeding as California is...