Trump Administration
January 29th, 2020
Trump certainly has New Jersey’s attention. His latest rally is a record-breaker.Over 175,000 tickets were requested for the rally planned for Tuesday. Understand that the town of Wildwood where the rally will be held...
January 10th, 2020
Just look at the contrast – while Democrats are trying to remove President Trump from office, President Trump is focused on removing terrorists from the face of the earth.The President had the legal and constitutional...
January 3rd, 2020
As the Lead Republican on the Foreign Affairs Committee, I released the following statement on the death of Qasem Soleimani.
December 19th, 2019
Today, for the third time in our country’s history, the House voted on articles of impeachment of a sitting president. This process has been partisan and politically motivated from the start.
December 13th, 2019
I released the following statement after the Trump Administration announced it reached a Phase One trade agreement with China on tariff rate reductions, suspension of new tariffs, intellectual property, financial services,...
December 10th, 2019
Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and his colleagues announced on Tuesday they’re charging the president with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
December 5th, 2019
House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday she has directed a House committee to draft articles of impeachment against U.S. President Donald Trump, a historic step that sets up a fight over whether to...
December 2nd, 2019
President Donald Trump has made his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, the de facto project manager for constructing his border wall, frustrated with a lack of progress over one of his top priorities as he heads into a tough...
October 21st, 2019
Donald Trump Jr was in San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at the Henry B Gonzalez Convention Center after a change of venue from Sonterra. Kimberly Guilfoyle senior advisor to President Trump and Katrina...
October 3rd, 2019
Many of the same families who were affected by Hurricane Harvey are again struggling to rebuild. Receiving this critical federal assistance will help our communities recuperate from the extreme flooding and remain Texas...
January 13th, 2020
I issued the following statements regarding the start of the second session of the 116th Congress; H.Res. 575, Supporting Security Recommendations for the Development of Next-Generation 5G Technologies; President Trump’s...
January 9th, 2020
Recently on the Senate floor, I gave the following remarks after President Trump’s televised address on Iran. Excerpts of my floor remarks are below, and video can be found here.
December 30th, 2019
Former NFL player Jack Brewer exposed bad juju for Democrats. A former Democrat himself, Brewer predicts that 20 percent of blacks will vote for President Trump.Democrats may feign disbelief, but they know Brewer’s...
December 16th, 2019
As chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on The Constitution, I yesterday appeared on ABC’s ‘This Week’ with George Stephanopoulos to discuss the House Democrats’ Articles of Impeachment and the chilling Inspector General...
December 11th, 2019
A federal judge in El Paso on Tuesday blocked the Trump administration’s plan to pay for border barrier construction with $3.6 billion in military funds, ruling that the administration does not have the authority to divert...
December 10th, 2019
On Monday I participated in a roundtable discussion with President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, along with Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R-Texas), several teachers, parents...
December 4th, 2019
Wednesday could bring the beginning of the end to House Democrats’ efforts to impeach President Trump.
October 22nd, 2019
Yesterday after joining my Republican colleagues to demand fair due process in the oversight hearings led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, as a CIA Officer and House Permanent Select Committee on...
October 16th, 2019
Today on the floor, I discussed House Democrats’ secretive handling of impeachment proceedings. Excerpts of my floor remarks are below, and video can be found here.We got secret hearings, secret witnesses, secret interviews...
September 24th, 2019
“With some humanitarian and medical exceptions, DHS will no longer be releasing family units from Border Patrol Stations into the interior,” McAleenan said in his prepared remarks. “This means that for family units, the...