
I heard a talk show host yesterday, saying things similar to what I've heard from others: that unions were once necessary against dangerous working conditions etc, but have now gone too far. The point needs to be loudly...
Over ten years ago in the 2000 cycle, having chaired the Budget Committeee in the US House when it had achieved its first balanced budget in many years, John Kasich was one of 12 or more Republican candidates for president...
Once again liberal hypocrisy is on full display and in such a beautiful way in Wisconsin. Due to a multi-billion dollar budget deficit, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has decided to take on the unions who are...
US DEBT CLOCK.org http://www.usdebtclock.org/"Those Voices Dont Speak for the Rest of Us"The masses are restless. Don’t you feel it, can’t you see it? We all thought that through the Tea Party movement, we the people could...
I’ve seen and heard a lot of discussion in the last several days about Republican state governments and “union-busting.” And polls show that the public at once favors preserving union workers “rights,” even for “collective...
Andrew Breitbart was first speaker at CPAC on Saturday. He provided insight into the mindless operations of union and ACORN organized crowds and thugs, pointing out they are mindless, follow instructions and use identical,...



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