TX-23 Press Release: Francisco Canseco’s Response to Ciro Rodriguez’s Outburst
This press release was received from Cansecoforcongress.com on July 12, 2010.
At a townhall event on Monday July 5th, while answering a routine question about ObamaCare, Rep. Ciro Rodriguez responded with hostility and anger at a constituent. The video can be seen below.
“Ciro Rodriguez has a history of cursing and yelling at people who disagree with him. It shows how much contempt he has for the people of this district and their concerns about the economy, exploding federal deficits, and reckless government growth.” Canseco said.
This is not the first time Rep. Ciro Rodriguez has lost his temper while answering questions from constituents. He has gone so far as to curse in front of children while at townhall meetings in the past. That video can be seen below.