White House Correspondent’s Dinner: Parade of the Assclowns Laughing Over Issues that are Destroying America
While a majority of Americans are struggling to put food on the table, suffocating under an extreme tax burden, sacrificing comforts for necessities and fighting for our rights that the federal government is stripping right and left…. political elites, the Washington press corps, hollywood celebrities, and the Obamas dress up, party hearty and poke fun over Republican/Democrat battles that are not funny to the rest of America.
We know those battles are the reason the political idiots in DC get nothing done toward dealing with the real issues that are destroying this country. The dinner showcased what many of us have complained about for years: Crony capitalism and the permanent political class are destructive forces...people who are completely out of touch with real world America...the America the rest of us live and work in.
I love what Sarah Palin said about the night’s event in a tweet: “The Dinner was pathetic and DC assclowns were throwing themselves a nerd prom while the rest of America is out there working our asses off.”
In her Facebook note, Palin wrote:
"Yuk it up media and pols. While America is buried in taxes and a fight for our rights, the permanent political class in DC dresses up and has a prom to make fun of themselves. No need for that, we get the real joke."
Thank you Sarah Palin! I couldn’t have said it better. © 2013 JAN MORGAN
To read more by Jan Morgan, check out janmorganmedia.com
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