Greg Knapp

Gregory ‘Greg’ Knapp was born and raised in New Jersey, but has lived in Texas for 35 years. He has been a Texas Real Estate Broker for the last 32 years, and a Radio Talk Show Host for the last 22 years. The father of 4 adopted children, some internationals, he has been married to the former Angela Kay Chambers for over 27 years. He has 1 grandchild, and plays guitar in the music at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson.
Greg has always been interested in Politics, History, and Current Events. He became a member of the Libertarian Party at age 28 after ready the book ‘The Biggest Con’, which describes in detail the Ponzi scheme that is the Social Security System. Greg was a Libertarian for Life, as he has ALWAYS been against abortion except in the case of the imminent death of the mother. He came to realize that Third Party Politics did not help the cause of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, but rather worked against the desires of the third party, so he became a Republican in 2007. He was elected Precinct Chair in Collin County the next year, and has served as such ever since. Greg also serves as Toastmaster/MC at public events, and from time to time makes public speaking engagements. Greg speaks Spanish and is actively involved in introducing the Hispanic Community to the reality that the Republican Party is the natural home of the Hispanic cultures!
Posts by Greg Knapp