Jane Jamison

Jane Jamison has her own blog site called Uncoverage.net. Jane lives in the suburbs of San Francisco, California. She loves her family, friends, animals, sports, cooking, and this amazing country. Her goal with Uncoverage.net is to serve the public interest with access to news coverage and good facts, almost always mixed with her own perspective. She is proud to be a member of the “new media” and says:
"We are the 'guerrilla reporters', combatting 'uncoverage' by the formerly 'mainstream' networks and newspapers. We are also assisting trusted mainstream outlets and reporters with background and reportage because budget cuts and media consolidation are stretching the staffs of those organizations. Our 'new media' information stream is huge and growing every day. Some of those 'old' media who refuse to be objective are no longer relevant….but shhhhhhhhhhh…they don’t get it yet. For more on politics and social networking and how you might get more involved in the campaigns this year, go to my page on the top bar: 'Who Is Advertising on UNCOVERAGE.net?'"