Larry Bethune

The Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune has been Senior Pastor at the University Baptist Church in Austin since 1987. He is also the Immediate past President of the American Baptist Churches of the South and former president of its Ministers Council. Raised in the Houston area, he earned a B.A. in Greek and Religion from Baylor University, M.Div. in communication and teaching from Princeton Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. in Old and New Testament Theology, also from Princeton. Dr. Bethune has taught Hebrew, Religion, and Bible at Princeton, Baylor and Southwestern University, and has served as adjunct faculty in New Testament and Homiletics at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Ordained in 1973, he has pastored churches in Texas, New York and New Jersey. His wife, the Rev. Gina Bethune, is the Director of Chaplain Services and Director of the Clinical Pastoral Education Program for the Seton Family of Hospitals in Austin. They have three children: Kara, Zachary and Andrew.