Terri Leo

Terri Leo, State Board of Education, District 6, has the ideal background for an individual who serves in an elected office that guides the direction of the educational policies in the State of Texas. She was first elected to the State Board of Education in 2002. Currently her specific area of responsibility is as Chairman of the Instruction Committee, which oversees all curriculum, textbooks and instructional issues. She has also served on the Committee for School Initiatives. She is a mother of three children. Terri's educational credentials are exceptional. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with an undergraduate degree in Elementary and Special Education, and received her Masters Degree in Educational Administration from Texas A&M University Commerce. Terri also has special certification to teach visually impaired students and currently teaches Visually Impaired students in Conroe ISD. She has been a teacher and an administrative intern with experience in the Dallas ISD and Garland ISD.
Terri Leo has also served in many civic and professional organizations. A few of these include:
- Garland Association of Professional Educators - Corresponding Secretary
- Phi Delta Kappa - Professional Association in Educational Administration
- Council for Exceptional Children
- City of Garland Teen Court - volunteer supervisor to students
- Special Olympics coach
- Big Sister Program
- Chairman of the selection committee for Texas State Teacher of the Year - 2006
- 2008 Commissioner's Award for Innovative Partnership - Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support
- Texas Family Advocate of the Year 2007 - Concerned Women For America
- 2004 Protector of the Family Award - Houston Area Pastor's Council
- Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship; Awarded by Educational Administrators to an outstanding teacher in their district to pursue a Masters Degree in Educational Administration
- Ruth Billows Memorial Award; in recognition of the outstanding service in the area of visual impairment.
- D.J. Robertson Achievement Award; in recognition of excellence in education and community service
- Larimore Matthews Award; in recognition of academics, community service and leadership
- Mortar Board: in recognition of outstanding leadership, service, and scholastics
- P.E.O. Award, Three time recipient, in recognition of academic excellence and civic service
- Delta Gamma Foundation Award; chosen from 400 women nationally, in recognition of service to the visually impaired
- Texas Women's Alliance: Star of Texas Award-2003
Terri Leo is an active member of the Republican Party and served as Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas National Nominations Committee in 2004. She has attended every Republican State Convention in Texas since 1984 as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate and chaired the Organization Committee in 2008 (as well as 2006). She also attended the 1996, 2000 and 2004 Republican National Conventions as an Alternate Delegate. Her campaign activities include volunteer work for George W. Bush for President, George W. Bush for Governor, Bill Archer for Congress, Dick Armey for Congress, and many local and statewide campaigns. She is a charter member of the Texas Tea Party Republican Women's Club and dual member of Daughters of Liberty Republican Women's Club. She has consistently supported outstanding Republican candidates, and has been called upon to speak on educational issues and grassroots politics. In her last election cycle Terri was endorsed not only by Governor Rick Perry and other Statewide elected officials, but by every Republican elected official that made primary endorsements in her district.
Terri Leo has shown, by her drive and contributions in the educational and the political arenas, that she has both the skill and the heart to deal with the tough decisions that she has faced serving on the State Board of Education. As a parent, she also has the perspective of parents throughout Texas who are concerned about the quality of education their children will receive.