(VIDEO) Debbie Riddle Explains Texas's Arizona-Style Immigration Bill
Texas State Rep. Debbie Riddle went On the Record with Greta Van Susteren to discuss the immigration bills she is proposing for Texas.
When asked how this bill relates to Arizona SB1070, Rep. Riddle explained that there are significant differences:
It's only about a page and a half, and anybody can read it. I encourage everybody to read it. What it does is that a law enforcement officer has a discretionary tool that he can inquire as to someone's legal status if they are already being detained because of a warrantless arrest, which as you know is fairly serious, if in fact he determines through ICE that that individual is not here legally, then he can arrest him for criminal trespass, and that would be a Class B Misdemeanor.
When asked if she thought Governor Perry would sign the bill, Rep. Riddle responded:
I think there is a strong possibility of that because the bottom line is this: This is all about safety and security. In Houston, my hometown, since 2004, the gang-related violence, which is connected with the Mexican drug cartels, has gone up over 250%. That's serious. We are looking at some serious security issues here for the citizens, and we have to address that, and this is just one of the bills I'm introducing that does address it.
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