What Have Republicans Done For The People?
by TexasGOPVote on October 26, 2009 at 9:33 AM
Texas GOP Vote recently received a message from a woman named Norah asking,
What has the Republican Party really ever done for the people of this Country? I know they say they are religious and all have good morals. But, that is not doing anything for the people. What programs have they passed??
I do know that Eisenhower made sure we had the interstate highways and that Teddy Roosevelt was very strong for our beautiful national parks. But, what else? I am trying to make up my mind about which party is truly for the people. Everyone is starting to ask what are Republicans really for?
Texas GOP Vote blogger, Lauro Garza, answers Norah's question with
First I would offer the simple wisdom demonstrated in my Cats & Dogs post. I would further elaborate by mentioning that the Republican party is the home of conservatism while the Democrat party is home to liberalism, socialism, radical secularism, and radical environmentalism.
Norah asks "what programs have they passed?" which portends her "yardstick" for comparison is "what does government do for the people?" That bodes poorly for an open discussion but if we can confront that main issue, is Norah among those who feel it is the purpose of government to provide for you completely or is she more interested in providing for herself with limited government involvement? Again, that goes back to my original point in Cats & Dogs.
We invite all of you to comment and help explain to Norah why the Republican Party is the party for the people!
Answer to "Why is the Republican Party the people's party?"
What have Republicans done for us?
Hopefully as little as possible.
Stop looking for the handout and get back to work.
Make your own way, build wealth and help your children do the same.
Give willingly and teach your children to do the same, and we can put "GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS" out of business. Every time my taxes go up, I can't give as much now can I?
America was founded and was built with the individual in mind.
We need to remember something...when the govt. "Does something"...someone, (meaning you and me), has to pay for it.
So, in essence what your asking is this, When are the Republicans going to raise my taxes so they can give me my own money?
Ask not what your country can for you........
Wow...what a joke! If the
i hate to tell that