Why the Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas?
Thank you to the Republican Party of Texas and all those great volunteers who actively build the party by selflessly crafting and guiding the Republican Party of Texas as SREC chairs, delegates, activists, candidates and donors. Our recognition as a Republican Party of Texas auxialary at the last SREC meeting means that we will now take on the challenge of growing the party head on together.
There is no denying that the Republican Party as a social institution of Texas has been bombarded daily by those who want to see its demise. Politics is a full contact sport and the Republican Party of Texas in the past has put up a defense as strong as Buddy Ryan's "46 defense" with the Chicago '85 Bears. In 2010, however we are seeing a new political landscape, where information is flowing more than ever, and our free market is moving faster, more complicated in its transferring of resources. In the last few years, the cities of Texas have become Blue strongholds, built up by vote getting machines, pumped into "non-profits" that gladly do the inner city work, and where government is met with open arms for their "help." Democratic politicians have become especially good at communicating to their constituents how much they are doing for them, all while using the government tax payer funded credit card, using the vacuum of weak education and by tapping into the lowest common denominator, hater-like attitude, of pulling down your neighbor. Republicans believe that free market solutions where possible are best. We believe that moral hazards exists and we instead should be rewarding excellence, respecting risk, and embracing the concept of fierce competition which propels our economy to even higher levels.
The LNRC of Texas is committed to serving the Republican Party of Texas by promoting its causes and candidates. Growing and marketing the power of mutually shared principles. We were formed to build a bridge between an isolated demographic and convert it into a permanent ally of a growing coalition of Republican energy. We understand that this mission means we will have to take on all sorts of entrenched mentalities and stereotypes. Information and passion will overcome the naysayers whose agendas do not include a strong Republican party. In 2010 as you read this, the Texas Latino community is being targeted by the leftist machine. We have had meetings with pastors who unknowingly were being courted by ACORN, the SEIU union machine, Congressman Gene Green and Congressman Luis Guitierrez. We stopped that political infiltration cold in its tracks. We have entered the Spanish media and challenged the monopoly over their skewed and biased presentations nightly given to millions from the Democratic party. We now have a Republican point of view to challenge in the now open free market of ideas. We have created chapters in Houston, El Paso, Denton County, South Texas and San Antonio. Soon we the Republican Party of Texas will be represented all across the state.
The Latino National Republican Coalition of Texas understands the big picture, long term challenges that the political landscape presents to us and will do all we can to not only educate, win, and keep our neighbors but also push forward an aggressive, conservative message that can be the shining example of how mutually shared principles can unite. Once we are successful, and the Republican party of Texas grows, LNRC can cease to exist. Texas has been said to be America on steroids, and once we begin to gain more momentum, we will establish a new movement towards a party that unites not just on interests, or labels or short term political favors but established principles. We all have disdain for the lack of respect of property, the misuse of resources, and worst being forced to give up the fruits of our labor and told that we cannot give input into how our wealth is being taken away. We want to end the sponsorship or protection of perpetuating bureaucracies that refuse to answer to its citizenry. History has given us the prime example of how to protect our futures by uniting under principle. It was at the Alamo that William B. Travis rushed past a group of Spanish speaking Tejanos reminding them "No rendirse, muchachos!" (No Surrender, Boys!) Likewise we refuse to give up, we will win the battle at the voting booth.