Republican Senators Highlight Key Concerns over Iran Nuclear Offer
Today, along with Mark Kirk (R-IL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), I sent a letter to President Obama highlighting specific concerns with the current proposal being negotiated in Geneva with regard to Iran’s illicit nuclear program.
Over the last few weeks, we were assured that the Administration was pursuing an interim step agreement with Iran that would 1) freeze and set back Iran’s nuclear program, and 2) not provide any significant sanctions relief to Iran. Those assurances appear inconsistent with reports of what the Administration actually offered Iran in Geneva last week.
In short, the American people will facilitate the payment of $20 billion in hard currency to the world's leading sponsor of terrorism and in return accept a more advanced and dangerous Iranian nuclear infrastructure.
Specifically, we urged the President to reject any Iranian proposal that: 1) allows Iran to continue enriching uranium at any level; 2) allows Iran to continue working on the Arak heavy water reactor; 3) allows Iran to maintain its current level of installed centrifuges or to continue centrifuge manufacturing; and 4) accepts Iran’s refusal to provide the IAEA with access to information, facilities and individuals related to its past work on the weaponization of a nuclear device.
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