Rep. Smith Invites Students to Enter Congressional App Challenge

I am excited to announce that Texas’ 21st Congressional District is participating in the Congressional App Challenge, an app competition for K-12 students.

We must prepare our students for degrees in STEM subjects to ensure that they have the ability to thrive in today’s technology-based economy. This means motivating more American students to study STEM subjects, including computer science. The App Challenge is a great way to get students, parents and teachers engaged and working together. I look forward to seeing the app entries from students in the 21st district.

Officially launched in 2015, this competition is a nationwide event intended to engage students’ creativity and encourage their participation in Science, Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. This competition allows students to compete with peers in their own district by creating and exhibiting their software application, or “app”, for mobile, tablet, or computer devices on a platform of their choice.

Students may compete as individuals or in teams of up to four, as long as two of the teammates are eligible to participate in our district. Students entering the competition must submit a video of their app and what they learned through this competition process on the website by noon (EST) on November 1, 2017.

The apps will be judged by a panel of local judges who work within the academic, software, and entrepreneurial fields. The app of the winning student or team in each participating Congressional district may be eligible to be featured on the U.S. House of Representatives’ website (, and may be eligible to be displayed in the U.S. Capitol exhibit in Washington D.C.


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