ALMA JACKSON Seasoned Warrior challenged by Newbie, Cat Parks - RPT VC


Alma Perez Jackson was elected to be the Vice Chair for the Republican Party of Texas at the 2018 state convention in San Antonio, Texas. She has proven herself worthy of that honor. She is the first Hispanic to be elected to such a monumental position in the party and is a seasoned party champion. Her courage to step up and file for a position as a Texas state senator, SD26, in 2015 showed her ability to dare test the status quo. Jackson has a Texas friendly, unpretentious manner making it easy for her to meet new people and influence them to understand the conservative values the Republican Party advocates. She is a Christian and is adamant about the need to stay focused on the Party Platform Principles.

In the past year Jackson has traveled across Texas visiting more than 40 counties and has revisited some of the counties as many as three times. In her travels promoting the RPT she has encountered thousands of voters willing to hear her message. She attends Republican Club meetings, or visits with County Chairmen and her goal is always the same, to inform, educate and grow the Republican Party. Because she is bilingual she finds it easy to communicate with the Spanish speaking communities and gladly and patiently answers their questions.

Jackson often speaks in behalf of Chairman James Dickey. Upon request by state county chairs she provides training of Precinct chairs. She has hosted meetings bringing together border county chairmen encouraging them to unite and to share events focusing on the Republican Party. She has also met with pastors/ministers and Chairman Dickey for the purpose of defending shared social values outlined in the Party Platform.

Jackson’s mind is always thinking of ways to improve her message. She has found that promoting the Republican Party as the ‘the Greater Opportunity Party’ receives plenty of positive attention from the attendees at her meetings. These are some of the issues that she explains the Republican Party stands and fights for:

The party of Free Enterprise.
The Capitalistic System allows anyone to start a business.
Health Care Choices are an opportunity to select what fits your budget or personal needs.
The party supports all law enforcement officers giving Security for all.
The party opens the opportunity for more personal gratitude in that we are indeed a Godly nation without fear of persecution due to our religious beliefs giving us Freedom of Religion.
The party allows for less Regulation so that businesses can reinvest in their own business permitting them to grow.
Gun Rights are protected in our constitution and promoted in the Republican Party.
The Republican Party takes a strong stance on the Defense of Life.

Hispanic Republicans in Texas are growing in leaps and bounds. According to a Texas Tribune article, ‘Texas’ Hispanic population grew by 2 million in the past decade, on pace to be largest share of state by 2021’ summarizing the fact that the Republican Party of Texas must stay abreast with its Republican members and continue to grow the party with Hispanics. Hispanics are generally fiscally and socially conservative believing in pro-business, pro-family, prolife and traditional marriage which reflect the Republican Party Platform. Not to mention that so many Hispanics serve our country with honor would be unfitting.

Because Jackson has been a strong advocate for party principles, she has prompted a challenger by the name of Cat Parks. Parks is relatively new to the party. And while she has had some success in managing a committee for the RPT, nonetheless she is still a newbie trying to make a name for herself. It’s always amazing that somehow ‘newbies’ feel the need to elevate themselves to the highest level. In one of Parks emails she identifies as a ‘party leader’ with the RPT chairman when in fact she has assisted the RPT as a committee chairman.

It’s odd that when googling Parks there is relatively no information about her other than on her campaign website. According to her website she and her husband own two horse ranches one in Texas and one in New Mexico. Again we should wonder how much time is she going to devote to being a committed vice chair since there is a declaration specifically stating that she and her husband travel across the United States teaching horsemanship clinics? Does this mean Parks will be a part time vice chair?

In a letter sent out via email on January 28, 2020, she advocated for the Log Cabin Republicans ending her appeal with:

Let us fight — shoulder to shoulder — with ALL Republicans willing to take a stand for Texas — That includes our friends the Log Cabin Republicans. I implore the State Republican Executive Committee to have the foresight to grant them coalition status & give them a booth at convention. It is time. Cat Parks

Yet when asked by Texas Scoreboard about the LCR she deflected the straight question by answering:

Q: Preceding every Texas GOP convention, there’s controversy over whether or not the Log Cabin Republicans should be allowed to purchase a booth or engage in other activity. What is your position on this issue? Is any reform to the process needed?

Cat Parks: I’ve spoken with hundreds of delegates, and when asked what the biggest issues are concerning the Convention, not one single person has brought up booths as their major concern. Convention booths are becoming increasingly archaic. The Party needs to recognize the fact that networking events and technology are beginning to supersede the cultural need or discussion for convention booths at all.

On the other hand Jackson answered directly.

Alma Jackson: The platform is put together by delegates who attend the Texas Republican Convention. One of our Republican planks concerns traditional marriage. I support our platform and promote it. To not support our platform after so much time, sacrifice and spending of personal funds by the delegates who attend the state conventions working hard to keep our party moral and responsible, is very disheartening and disrespectful to all delegates. Why have a platform if we do not honor it? Allowing the Log Cabin Republicans to rent a booth at our convention is no different than our Republican elected, who disregard our platform. Gays are welcome as Republicans and many are already in positions of leadership within our party.

For those not acquainted with the LCR, their website has information that you should know. EQUALITY is their main goal.

Without question it is Jackson the seasoned warrior that will stand by the RPT platform with the Delegates, whereas the newbie, Cat Parks, is already showing signs of deviating from the RP principles.

As Texans, as Delegates the decision is clear, will Texas become just another state that mimics the already swarming Socialists Democrats or be the leader it can be in fighting the battle that is rampant across our nation? Vote to reelect Alma Jackson, she is the type of conservative the RPT needs for unity.



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