Brady Talks to Texans about Historic Efforts to Redesign the IRS

Everyone knows the IRS needs to be reformed from top to bottom. From absurd wait times when calling the IRS, to property seizure abuse, this is an agency that desperately needs to be reined in and restructured to actually serve American taxpayers. Last week Congressman Brady took to local airwaves to talk about the bipartisan package of nine bills passed by the House of Representatives that advances a modern vision for the IRS and ensures that taxpayers are treated fairly, their disputes are handled objectively, and issues are resolved quickly and affordably. 

Check out highlights below: 

"We rein in abuses of the IRS, create a new independent office for appeals so we get our disputes heard fairly, and restructure the IRS into a taxpayer first IRS, focused on customer service, and not just on enforcement." - Congressman Kevin Brady 

"You didn't hear about it [bills passed] on the news because both Republicans and Democrats worked for several years to do this together." - Congressman Kevin Brady 

CLICK HERE or below to watch Fox26 Houston News interview. 

"It was exciting to see the interest in the employees and how we are wanting to redesign that agency into a tax payer first agency by reining in the abuses and really making them accountable to taxpayers. That's passed the House now with almost unanimous support so we're hopeful the Senate can get it to the President's desk." - Congressman Kevin Brady 

CLICK HERE or below to watch KBTX feature. 

With this package of bills, the House has taken the biggest and boldest step in 20 years to redesign this agency into a place with one singular mission: taxpayer service. 

CLICK HERE to learn more about the "Taxpayer First" IRS Reform Package.


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