Voice of the Conservative Vote: Donna Saa

Donna Saa is the Social and Outreach Director of the Houston Young Republicans, which focuses on growing the Republican Party in Houston through the 21-40 year old demographic. Donna also serves as the Event Coordinator for the Harris County Republican Party Outreach Committee, which focuses on engaging community participation.

Donna serves on the board of the Texas Young Republicans Federation as the South Regional Director and works as a Special Events Coordinator and Fundraiser for various campaigns and conservative organizations, such as Armed Citizen Project.

Donna works as an adjunct Professor of Political Science at Houston Community College and earned her Masters Degree in Political Science from the University of St. Thomas. Her Certificate is in Advanced International Affairs specializing in Intelligence from the Bush School of Public Policy and her Bachelor’s degree is in Sociology from Texas A&M University.

“Reaching out to engage community participation is not about a hand out, but lending a stable, steady hand that can permanently lift a society out of darkness and into a bright hopeful future.” 

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