Internalized Misogyny: Clinton Campaign Blames Women for Loss


In case you missed it, Hillary Clinton is a woman. That fact might have been lost in the campaign, if you were blind, deaf, and dumb.

However, if you were paying attention during the election, you might have noticed that Hillary Clinton ran her campaign on a few pro-woman tenets. Apparently Clinton knew that she in order to break the glass ceiling, she needed to destroy women’s “internalized misogyny.” Read more about Internalized Misogyny: Clinton Campaign Blames Women for Loss

Sex traffickers should be shamed


One hot summer day in Houston, a single mother (we will call her Amy) met a man. At the time, Amy was lonely and struggling to make a life for her young children. He was charming, funny and a talented member of the music industry. He told her he loved her and it made her feel valued and safe. Read more about Sex traffickers should be shamed

Democrats could win Texas by 2024 if current trends continue

Three Dumb Media Claims, Smashed


Just when I thought the SJWs couldn’t be more obnoxious, the past five days came along.

So much crap, so little time.

(1) There’s a wave of “hate crimes” sweeping the country!

No. No, there isn’t. This is entirely made up, just like the “Trump mocked a disabled reporter” story. Read more about Three Dumb Media Claims, Smashed

Looking Forward to the 115th Congress


It has been my privilege to represent you in Congress and I look forward to do so in the upcoming session. We all know Washington is broken and in need of new leadership. I look forward to working with President Trump in the 115th Congress and helping to make America great again.
Read more about Looking Forward to the 115th Congress

Phyllis Schlafly's Final Victory

Recognizing and Remembering Our Veterans


Friday, we celebrated Veterans Day, honoring veterans who have served our nation. That morning, I attended the Port Aransas High School Veterans Day program. In addition to honoring all of the Port Aransas veterans, this year's event was renamed to remembered its founder, Dr. Bill Lehmann, a former Air Force scientist, who passed away earlier this year at age 91. In the early 1990s, Dr. Read more about Recognizing and Remembering Our Veterans

Why Trump Won and Why that Matters


Over the course of the past decade we have seen America go from a Country where people were interested in getting to know one another and understand each other’s differences — to one that is ruled in the press by identity politics. Read more about Why Trump Won and Why that Matters

America Great Again


President-Elect Donald Trump has just released a new online website entitled America Great Again.  Among many other positive facets about this website are drop-down screens where the public is encouraged to share their ideas and/or to apply for positions in his administration (some 4,000 of them). The Presidential Transition and the offices involved in this transition are also explained.  Read more about America Great Again

Dennis Prager And My Hopes as a Conservative Trump Dissenter


I want to say at the beginning that I hope all of the reveling in a Republican victory, control of the executive and both houses of the legislative branch and prospective conservative corrections and progress prove justified, even though there will be FAR from a filibuster-proof Senate majority. I am approaching sixty years of age as a conservative since a young boy. Read more about Dennis Prager And My Hopes as a Conservative Trump Dissenter


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