Lena Dunham

The following campaign ads for BHO depict the values and morals of a decaying society. The ads are being used to garner votes for the reelection of the present President of the United States of America, the leader of the...
I was as impressed and amazed by the quality and quantity of Lena Dunham parodies as I was disgusted by the ad itself. I’d LOVE to post my own, but I have several problems…First of all, I’m technologically challenged. I...
The Lena Dunham ad, comparing voting for Obama to losing one's virginity, represents truly what feminism, or I should say leftist feminism, is now about: sex. Nothing more and nothing less. Modern day feminism has now...
Just when you thought that political campaign ads could not sink any lower, Barack Obama’s team shatters your delusion.The latest Obama re-election ad features Lena Dunham sharing with the nation that her “first time” was...

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