Trayvon Martin

GOP candidates and operatives must realize that their poor performance among minorities results not from Black or Hispanic liberalism, not from Black or Hispanic exceptionalism, but from the cultural isolation of African...
Justice for Trayvon Martin? How about Justice for James Whitehead? James Whitehead was a white veteran who had recently come back from war. Orange, TX Police Officer Robert Arnold (who has a history of violence) shot and...
Although I’ve been rather quiet about the George Zimmerman case, I’ve had many opinions throughout the proceedings.I’ve generally not wanted to talk about it because, overall, it is just a local crime story that’s gotten out...
Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is being sued by a former staffer who claims that Lee was abusive to her and showed no regard for her disability.I could have told you that she doesn’t treat her staff well just from...
Oops!  Progressive left media attempts to pull race card but divides blacks and Hispanics instead! Democrats and Minority Groups are falsely and hypocritically playing the race...
All the hoopla over the Zimmerman verdict, the threat of violence, and all the other predictions that the media and the Obama administration and race-pimps ginned up, and poof…nothing. The biggest civil rights trial of the...
In a remarkably well-researched piece titled “You Are Not Trayvon Martin,” Slate’s William Saletan challenged several fallacies influencing perceptions and reactions to the acquittal of George Zimmerman. The piece was not...
The defense rested today in the second degree murder persecution of George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is standing trial on trumped up charges after the States Attorney bowed public pressure and filed charges against Zimmerman...
‘We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools’. Martin Luther King, Jr.It is hard to get away from knowing that there was a ‘fatal incident’ in Florida. A neighborhood ‘volunteer watchman’ shot and...

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